The Q and A Announcement

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Hi everyone,

His Bright Eyes has completed it's final chapter and will now enter the dreaded editing phase.

However, I would like to have a Q and A section for those who would like to ask questions about the story, the characters or of me the writer. You all have been so supportive and amazing throughout this entire experience. It has been an honor to write for each and every one of you.

So please contact me through private message, comments or you can email me directly at your questions.

Please keep in mind that I am planning on making a sequel so if your questions contain possible spoilers, I will not be able to answer them. I also will be posting questions anonymously but keep in mind that if you ask a question publicly then people will know who asked that question.

Lastly, please be aware that I will only answer questions that I feel comfortable with. Any offensive or outright rude questions will not be answered. I highly doubt anyone will do this, but still I needed to put it out there.

All questions will need to be submitted by 1/15/18 to guarantee that they will be answered in the final chapter of this book.

Thank you, and once again I love each and every one of you amazing people.

Your devoted writer,

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