The Thanksgiving Feast

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-Mark's POV-

The grocery cart buckled under the weight of the turkey that he put into the cart.

"Jack," I said, staring dumbfounded at the giant frozen bird, "you do realize that it's just Tyler and Ethan coming over for Thanksgiving dinner. Not a whole army."

He looked at me, his lovely blue eyes widened in cute confusion. "What? It's only 20 pounds."

I sighed heavily. "You really think that each of us can eat five pounds of turkey plus all of the sides and desserts you plan to make?"

He glared at me for a moment. "So, they can take home leftovers."

I laughed and hugged him. "Fine, beautiful. I know better than to argue with you about your cooking."

He smiled and handed me the grocery list. "That was the last item, unless you think that we need a third dessert."

He looked at the massive amount of food in the grocery cart, and nodded. "Yeap, I'm getting another dessert."

I grabbed him by the back of the shirt as he swiveled around.

"Let's go home before you end up buying out the whole store."


"Happy Turkey Day!" cheered Ethan when I opened the door. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him. He was wearing a fuzzy red holiday sweater with picture of a turkey riding on a snowboard. Under the picture there was the words "Gobble 'Tacular!" written in bright green letters. Behind him was Tyler carrying case of beer in one hand and a bottle of sparkling apple first in the other hand.

I snorted when I saw that Tyler was wearing the exact same sweater that Ethan was wearing.

"What we wear for the people we love, huh?' I said, reflecting on the awful "Birthday Boy" shirt that Jack made me wear about five months ago.

Tyler just shrugged and smiled. "Yeah, tell me about it."

All three of us headed towards the living room. Jack was still buzzing around the kitchen checking on the turkey and stuffing. On his orders none of us were allowed to set foot into the kitchen until he gave the "ok".

Even Chica was pushed out after sneaking under the kitchen table hoping to find a few dropped pieces of food. She sat with us in the banished living room where we all chatted and half watched the Macy's Thankgiving's Day parade as we waited.

Jack came into the living room about a half an hour later and announced dinner and we all hurried in, Chica included, to grab food and drinks and head to the dining room to eat. Ethan had fun telling us about their upcoming trip to see his family over the Christmas holidays.

"So you aren't heading to Ohio this year, Ty?" I asked.

Tyler shook his head "no" and glanced over to Ethan. "Finally getting to meet his family," he said, giving Ethan a playful shove.

"We'll be at Tyler's family for the New Year," Ethan chimed in. "How about you guys?"

Jack smiled as he took another bite of turkey and swallowed. "We will heading to Mark's for Christmas and to my family for the New Year's holiday."

"Jack has been telling me how much fun Ireland is for the New Year," I said, looking over at him with a wink. "I even was able to get a new prescription for meds from Dr. Kingsley so that I can drink a bit if I decide to while we're there."

"Which I, for the record, don't think is a great idea," Jack snapped, his eyes looking back over to me.

"They are prefectly safe," I said smiling at him, and rubbing his right leg with my left hand. "You worry too much about me, Bright Eyes."

I could tell by the look that he gave me that there was going to be another talk about the pills before we made it to Ireland. I made a point of already bracing myself for that conversation.

"So," I said, glancing at Ethan and Tyler and away from Jack's slight frown, "Who's ready for the mountains of dessert?"


Luckily the couch was big enough for all four of us to lay down on. Jack and I were laying on the left side of the couch while Tyler and Ethan were relaxing on the right side. Tyler and I were chatting about the upcoming livestream.

I glanced over at Ethan, who was resting his head on Tyler's lap, his eyes closed and mouth hanging opened slightly.

"I think that we lost the both of them," I said, glancing back over to Jack snoring on my shoulder.

"Yeah," Tyler said, rubbing Ethan's back gently with his hand, and then taking another sip of his beer.

"Things going ok with you two?" I said, adjusting on the couch so that Jack's head rested more in the middle of my chest. Jack, as usual just grunted a bit, but didn't wake up.

Tyler nodded happily. "Once I stopped being a jackass, yeah."

I chuckled softly. "That's pretty harsh on yourself, dude."

"No, it's not," he said simply, as he took his hand and ran his fingers through Ethan's hair as he spoke. "I was a jerk, but he helps me want to know, a better person."

I smiled and looked at Jack and hugged him tightly. "Yeah, I definately understand where you are coming from there."

"Thanks for letting us crash here tonight," Tyler said, yawning deeply. "I'm getting sleepy myself."

"No problem at all," I replied, as I yawned myself. "Just please be careful of the new guest bedframe this time if you two get a bit frisky."

Tyler smirked, and pulling out his wallet tossed some money on the coffee table. "You know..just in case."

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