The First Touch 🍋

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(A/N: This entire chapter involves sexually explicit material)

- Jack's POV-

"If you start to feel uncomfortable at all, please tell me, and we'll stop, ok?"

I nodded my head and pulled him in for another kiss. Our lips sliding together as his nose brushed against my face softly. I closed my eyes as his lips left mine, and felt them travel down my chin, and then tickled my Adam's apple, moving lower to my chest, and then lower still.

"Relax your legs for me, Bright Eyes," I hear his voice say.

I felt my knees sink deeper into bedsheets, and then his hands gently holding my thighs. His warm breath hovered near the center of my stomach.

"Even your belly button is sexy," he growled. "Cute little outie."

I giggled, and looked down at him. "Stop it," I said, "You're embarrassing me."

He smirked and rubbed his fingers down my inner thighs, and I closed my eyes again, a moan escaping my mouth.

"I - I want you to," I said, shuttering from the sudden pleasure, "What you just-"

He already was rubbing the same spots again, and I moaned once more, my stammering understood.

His hands trailed down to my legs and then finally to my feet and toes. I felt like I was in a fog, and I wasn't even fully naked yet. Mark was even better than my fantasy about him that night. He was so gentle.

He stood back up at the foot of the bed and pulled off his shirt and pants, his underwear hugged his form so nicely. Slowly, he crawled up next to me and lifted up my head to place it more centered on the pillow.

"How do you feel so far?" he asked me quietly.

"Heaven," I said, "This, and you are heaven."

He smiled, and helped me slide off my boxer shorts. His eyes swept my body up and down, and I tried my best not to feel self conscious. I was so pale, slender and hairy compared to him.

Mark placed a hand on my cheek, as if he knew what I was thinking. "You're stunning. Every single part of you is stunning."

I sighed and pulled him in for another kiss, my passion for him rising even higher with all of the sweet things that he was saying.

"How is it possible," I said between kisses, "that you are making me want you even more?"

His eyes sparkle as he smiled at me. "You make me so happy. Just want to make you as happy as you make me."

Can you orgasm just from words?

The kisses were longer now, as his palms and lips trailed across my skin. His hand traveled to my erection, already firm and yearning to be touched. Wrapping his fingers, so tender and smooth around me, he began to pump up and down. I felt a long groan leave my throat before I heard it, and I reached for his boxers, pulling at them with more force than I meant.

He chuckled, getting the hint, and still touching me, pulled off his underwear. I felt his member softly touch my side. I leaned down to hold it, already growing in my hand, and tried my best to match the same strokes that he was giving me.

Mark groaned, his voice heated as he enjoyed, and he leaned back down to kiss me again. My chest felt hot to the touch, and I could see his cheeks and neck growing red as we continued.

He grabbed my left hand and placed it next to my head, and held it there. "I'll be right back," he said with a wink, and lowered his head towards my —

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