The Disneyland Adventure

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-Mark's POV-

I hadn't seen him this happy in months.

"Mark, come on!" he said turning his head back towards me. "Shake a leg, ya slowpoke!'

I need to exercise more. I won't make it to lunchtime at the pace that he was setting.

"I'm an old man, you know!" I yelled back, breathing in an out like a winded mule.

"You're barely a year older than me, grandpa!" he yelled back, making sure to catch my doubling over and wheezing on video.

Jack stopped long enough for me to reach him. My sides were aching and I think that my legs were silently cursing me out.

"Teacup ride is next!" Jack cheered into his phone. "Mark gets to pick the teacup. Which one do you want?"

He angled his phone closer to my face, waiting for me to decide.

I winced, trying not to groan as I looked into the video camera directly. "White teacup with blue and yellow spots," I wheezed "To match the spots in front of my eyes at the moment."

He laughed loudly and grabbing my arm, guided me over to the Mad Tea Party Ride. Mercifully he slowed his pace a bit, though that may have been so that he wouldn't drop his camera phone.

We waited in line for only about ten minutes or so, and then Jack racing way ahead, hopped into a white teacup with blue and yellow spots. He scooted over to the far side when I joined him. His sparkling blue eyes peering around for the next ride to head to after this one.

"Let's try to be the fastest!" he said, his face beaming at me.

"Anything for you, pal. Let's show these folks how to spin a teacup!"

 Let's show these folks how to spin a teacup!"

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I am fairly certain that Jack only stopped moving and talking for about 10 minutes combined during the late morning to early afternoon.

He cheered at every ride we went on, and pulled me by the arm out of each seat right when we were allowed to exit. I had given up on doing any vlogging myself. There was no way that I could match his excitement. We agreed that we would just link his video on both of our channels instead.

After I nearly collapsed in the bushes after the Space Mountain ride, he agreed that a small lunch break was needed.

Well, at least was needed by me.

We sat down at The Rainforest Cafe at my suggestion, and munched on a huge pizza. I barely got to talk to Jack at all, his eyes darting this way and that soaking in the lush rainforest setting and still fully in vlog mode. I laughed as he adjusted his glasses every so often, just to make sure that he was catching as much as he could.

My twitter page was flooded by #disneylandadventures and #septiplier hashtags as I documented our day. We even got to say hello to a few viewers who shuffled up to us quietly and asked us for pictures.

His Bright Eyes (Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now