The Family Meeting

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-Jack's POV-

"I jus' donna see the point of it, Sean. You know how mum and dad are. You can't expect 'em to jus' change their minds."

I tapped on the table with my fingertips, the noise echoing through the still morning air. I adjusted the phone closer to my ear, and sighed.

"Malcolm, I just want everyone to meet Mark," I said, trying to sound less upset than I actually was. "If all of you could just meet him, then maybe -"

I paused my sentence not knowing where I was going with it. Maybe what? They would say that me jumping into another relationship was fine? That dating a person who lived over 5000 miles away was just the thing I needed to finally have a firm foundation?

Malcolm sighed heavily on the other line. "I'll let 'em know that ya plannin' on commin' over, but I cannot promise ya anythin'."

"Thank you," I said as calmly as I could.

"And it's nonsense fer ya to stay in a hotel like ya were plannin' to last time ya called about this. Ya cabin is big enough fer two."

"Ok," I said, my heart feeling a bit better. "I'll let you know when we have arrived."

Malcolm grunted a goodbye, and the phone call disconnected. I kept the phone to my ear for a moment or two, not really knowing if the conversation went well of not. Out of all of my brothers and sisters, Malcolm was the most easy to read and joke with, but this time he was so resigned.

Simon and Allison had been pretty much in the same frame of mind that this relationship with Mark wasn't worth doing until I got my own happiness figured out. Susan had been the one who had sat me down when I had been over the last time, her eyes pained by the words, but resolute that she was the one who had talked to everyone about it.

"If ya gonna be mad at someone, then be mad at me," she had said, her eyes wet with tears. "We jus' want what's best fer ya, Sean."

But they didn't know what was best for me. Did they? I went back into my phone to look for tickets to Ireland. One way or another, this talk needed to happen.

I bought the tickets set for tomorrow afternoon, and placed my phone on the table. Looking at the clock I got up to start making Mark some breakfast. Opening up the fridge I grabbed eggs and bacon, and took a moment to remind myself that we needed to get to the grocery store once we got back into town.

I heard my phone buzz, and read the text.

Malcolm: Good news. I got the go ahead from everyone. See you tomorrow.


-Mark's POV-

"Mark? Are you alright?" he asked, looking concerned.

I nodded a bit more forcefully than I should have. We were in the taxi heading over to meet his family, and I was feeling like I was going to throw up. Considering that I hadn't eaten anything since this morning, which Jack had pretty much forced me to eat. He reached his hand out and placed it on my leg. The sudden touch drew me back into the taxi with him. Jack's voice sounded far away the next time he spoke. "Mark? You need to take some deep breaths." he said, tapping my leg with his hand now, "You look like you are about to faint, or something."

I inhaled and exhaled, and felt my lungs feel cooled with the sudden oxygen. I guess I hadn't been breathing much.

The taxi stopped at a fairly large house nestled in a large green field. In the back area there was a small cabin with the lights on. Jack sighed and with a slight pause we both got out of the taxi. I was wearing a white collared shirt and dark slacks. My hair combed as best as it could be considering the layers of sweat making part of the front of my hair stick to my forehead. The taxi driver opened his trunk and pulled out a small suitcase, and after being paid, drove off.

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