The Amorous Idea

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-Mark's POV-

"Hello everybody. My name is Markiplier and I wanted to just sit down for a few minutes in a video blog to thank everyone for the well wishes and support that you have shown me since my latest time in the hospital. I swear to you that I don't meant to be as clumsy as I am, but there you go!"

I smiled and adjusted the camera slightly.

"As Jack had announced on his channel a couple of days ago when I first got back, the doctor said my heart is fine but I need to start taking better care of my stress levels. That being said I'm going to really try to step away from videos a bit more during the week to relax. Nothing permanent though! You all can't get rid of me that easily. Just a little extra time off until I get a better grip on my schedule. The old "work smarter and not work harder" type of thing."

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair and continued.

"In all seriousness though, you all mean the world to me. Jack almost broke his back with all of the "Get Well" cards that came to my PO Box and all of the messages on Twitter and guys, you're just amazing. Damn it, I always end up crying in these videos!"

I wiped my face quickly, and cleared my throat.

"At this point I'm rambling, so I better stop. There will be a brand new video up tomorrow afternoon and please stay tuned for some additional news about the Holiday Livestream happening later this year. I have a lot to tell you guys about. Well, that's all for today. I'll see you in the next video! Buh bye!"

I wrapped up the recording and after some quick editing posted it on YouTube. Leaning back in my office chair I smelled meat cooking and headed down to the kitchen where Jack was near the stove.

"What smells so good in here?" I asked, coming up from behind and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'm making spaghetti and meatballs," he said, as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sounds delicious," I replied, nibbling on his right ear.

"Hey, I'm not part of the meal," he said slyly, pulling his ear away from me.

I moved away from him at sat down at the table, smiling a bit. "You promised that we could have some couples time once Dr. Kingsley's timeframe was over. I've been a good patient for the past three days."

"Yes you have." He smiled and walked over to me, then leaned down and kissed me deeply. I felt his legs straddle my lap, and I reached up to place my hands on his firm and curvy ass as we kissed. I was feeling light headed as the kiss continued, and was about to start pulling up his shirt when I heard a timer go off.

He pulled away for the kiss. "That'll be the garlic bread," he said, getting up.

"That timer is just as big of a cock block as Mike is," I said grumpily.

Jack laughed as he put on oven mitts and pulled the bread out of the oven. "We will have plenty of time later tonight to enjoy each other. Besides, I wanted us to try something a bit new, if you're interested."

I raised my eyebrows, intrigued. "What do you have in mind?" I asked.

He gave the noodles and the meatballs a few more moments and then headed back over to me, and sat down.

"You are the most gentle and sweet lover I have ever had, but I would like you to try being a bit more aggressive."

I felt my face turning red. "I guess we could try that. I'm just worried about accidentally hurting you.

He smiled and took my hand in his. "I trust you completely. You'll be fine. Just follow my lead, and if you're ok with it, I would love to tell you some specific things to do during tonight."

"Like, giving me orders?" I asked, winking.

His face was now the one turning red. "Umm, well yes...if that's ok. If you don't want to..."

"No," I said smiling. "I think that sounds...really hot actually. I like doing what you ask me to do. It's a real turn on."

He grinned. "Then tonight will be a lot of fun, but in the meantime you need plenty of carbs," he said walking back over to the stove with a plate. "How hungry are you?"

"Hungry for sex?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. "I'm starving."

"No, you goober," he said laughing. "For spaghetti and meatballs."

"Oh," I said with a wink. "Just start piling on the food, and I'll tell you when to stop."

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