The Quick Dinner

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-Jack's POV-

I felt warm and loved. I liked this feeling. It had been a while since I felt like this.

My eyes opened slowly. This isn't my house. I blinked. I was laying on my side in a bed. The blanket is underneath me. But then why do I feel so warm?

Right. I'm in LA.

Arms were around my waist. Very muscular and tanned. Cuddling me from behind. I move my head slowly down to get a better look at the hands.


I feel him stir and unwrap his arms. The cold air hits my skin now that he's moved.

"Hey," he said, his voice so deep with sleep.

I turned around to face him. His face a few inches from mine. His glasses were on the top of his head, and he rubbed his eyes before looking at me, and yawned.

"Why are you in my bed?"  I asked, moving slightly apart from him.

He chuckled quietly.

"Because you're in my bed, not yours."

I looked at him, clearly confused.

"You're in my bedroom, not the guest bedroom."

My face felt suddenly red and hot, and I started to get up quickly. Looking concerned, Mark placed his glasses back on properly and sat up, reaching a hand out and touching my arm softly.

"Hey, hey. It's no problem. You were really tired when we got to the house, and you probably were not paying attention when I told you where the guest bedroom was. Besides, the last time that you were in this house was well over a year ago, and you didn't sleep over."

I lowered my head to look at his hand rubbing my arm. The warmth that I felt earlier washing back over me. The traces of his touch lingered on my forearm, even after he stopped and began to get up out of the bed.

" As far as the cuddling, that was kind of accidental. I was trying to move you away from the edge of the bed, and you death gripped my hand."

"I - I grabbed your hand while I was asleep?"

"Yes. Please, don't be worried about it. I actually needed the nap myself, it would seem."

We paused, looking at each other. The air thick with the awkward closeness we had shared.  Mark ran his fingers through his hair, almost so he would have something to do with his hands.

"Anyway, were you hungry?" he asked. "It's past 10pm at this point and I'm starving."

A loud grumbling noise came from my insides.

" I think my stomach agrees with you."

He smiled brightly, and clapped his hands together.

"So, where should we go? It's getting pretty late, but I think In N Out is still opened. I know you loved that place from you last time here."

"Hell yeah!"


-Mark's POV-

"Jack, seriously when was the last time you ate?"

He was chomping his burger like it was his first meal in ages. His narrowed eyes, focused like a predator on the task ahead. His hands rejected any need for napkins and he licked each finger rapidly.

"Sorry," he said, mouth still stuffed, "Just so so good."

"Fair enough, just please slow down a little bit? If you start to choke, my Heimlich Maneuver is sketchy at best."

I ordered him another burger, which he halfway finished while I was still on my first. Granted, I wasn't eating much. I kept looking at his face, which for the first time in ages looked happier. His eyes, bright and alive.

His eyes. His eyes are so beautiful.

He paused his chewing.

"Do I have that much food on my face?" I asked.


"You're kind of...staring at me."

"Oh? Sorry. Was thinking about..."

Think of something. He caught you staring.

"Thinking about?" he asked, his bright blue eyes looking at me.

Quick, damn it. Say something. Anything.


Really? THAT'S what came out of your fucking brain?

Jack's eyebrows raised up in apparent confusion.

"You want to vlog?" he asked.

"Umm, yeah. We didn't get to make any videos earlier today because of your jet lag so I thought that tomorrow we could vlog. Maybe a trip to Disney Land or something."

Jack's face lit up instantly.

"Disney Land? Really? I'd love to go there again!"

Wow. Not only did I wiggle out of the awkward staring I was doing, but I came up with a plan that made him so happy.

Score one for Markimoo.

Jack began to bounce in his seat and talk about Disney and all of the rides. His arms darting around as he spoke, and his smile wide and sparkling.

Occasionally he would ask a question about the park or how we should vlog tomorrow, but in general I just sat there, both of the remains of burgers forgotten, as he talked and talked.

His voice, loud and chipper. Even his amazing giggle seemed to return a few times. Slowly, but surely, he was coming back.

Jack was coming back.

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