The Relaxing Meal

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-Mark's POV-

I blinked opened my eyes, and was incredibly confused. It was warm and bright in the room. I was just trying to figure out what happened when Jack came walking into the room.

"Top of the morning to ya," he said, giving me a quick wink.

He leaned over the bed and gave me a small kiss.

"Hey," I said, rubbing my eyes. "Did we actually do anything last night, or did I rest my eyes longer than a few minutes?"

"You rested your eyes for about ten hours," he said giggling.

"Oh Jesus," I said, feeling horrible. "I'm sorry about that Bright Eyes. I'll make it up to you later today."

He chuckled softly and waved away my apology. "You were understandably exhausted," he said getting up from the bed. "But now that you are up, I'm able to make you a congratulatory breakfast. Anything you want at all, and I'll serve it to you in bed."

"Oh, you don't have to do - " I began, feeling embarrassed.

"With as many times you have brought me breakfast in bed, you are way overdue," he replied back. "So, either tell me what you would like or I'll figure it out myself, and what I will pick be ten times more fattening," he added, with a sly grin.

"Ok," I said, raising my hands in surrender. "I'll take a veggie omelette and a glass of orange juice."

He nodded, and turned around. "I'll be back in about twenty minutes. While I'm gone please keep resting. You're relaxing for as long as possible today."

"Oh," I said smirking, "and how are you going to guarantee that?"

He placed his slender hands on his curvy hips, which always found both extremely sexy and slightly scary. "Because I took your phone while you were sleeping and I turned it off and hid it."

I raised my eyes brows in surprise. "You did what? Babe, I need to check so many things after yesterday's livestream."

"You'll get it back this afternoon," he said sweetly. "Mike and anyone else has my number if anything is too urgent. So just sit back and relax for a bit."

His face told me that it was pointless to argue.

"Yes, dear," I said, grinning a bit. "But there's nothing to do here while I'm waiting."

He sighed and walked over to the bookcase on the far wall and grabbed a book. "These used to be very popular before smart phones," he said, a firm smirk on his lips. "It's called a book. I'm sure you can figure out how to use it."

I stuck out my tongue at him as he walked out of the room, and relaxing back in the bed, started to read.

I felt a gentle kiss on my face and opened my eyes again. I yawned deeply and looking saw Jack standing near the bed.

"Sure are spending a lot of time resting your eyes lately," he said. He pointed over to the tray of food next to me in the bed.

On the tray was a large veggie omelette, a side of white toast and a large cup of orange juice.

"It was the book that got me sleepy again, I swear," I said taking a bite of toast.

Jack shook his head and giggled. "Would you like anything else?"

"Well, actually," I started, looking at him seductively.

"I'm not on the menu," he said. "Well, at least not at the moment."

"You're no fun," I pouted. He giggled again and leaned over to me in the bed.

"How about you meet me in the shower after your breakfast?" he whispered into my ear. "Then I can show you how fun I can be."

I inhaled a bit of my omelette and coughed. He slapped me in the back a few times until I recovered.

"Don't say sexy things like that while I'm eating," I said taking a few gulps of orange juice.

"And don't keep me waiting," he replied back, with a wink. "Shower time, in an hour?"

I nodded quickly. "Whatever you say."

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