The Cold Wind

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-Mark's POV-

There was such a cold wind without him next to me. It felt so different than when he was in England and I was here in my bed alone. At least I knew that across the world he was still there, holding me in his dreams and memories.

Now? He was just a room away and wanted nothing to do with me. The fear and anger in his beautiful eyes still tore at my broken heart, threatening to splinter it into so many sharp and tiny pieces that it would rip and tear through the rest of my body.

I looked at the clock again. It was 7:30am. Another half hour had gone by since I last checked the time. Sleep was not happening. I already had resigned myself to that after the first few hours of tossing and turning in the frigid sheets. Maybe he was up now? I wanted to quietly walk to the guest bedroom, and to listen in for any movements, but that felt almost invasive. I had no right to push him to see or talk to me until he wanted that.

My chest ached so badly, and it was getting more difficult to breathe. I assumed that it was a mix or stress and exhaustion that was causing the pain.

Unless...could a heart really break?

I felt myself jump at the sound of the guest bedroom door opened and close quickly. Then the jingle jangle sound of Chica's dog tags and her fast moving paws heading towards me. Within a moment I felt her nose sniffing at the side of the bed, accompanied by soft whimpers.

"Hey puppy," I whispered, patting my hand on the bed to let her know that it was ok to jump up. "Were you keeping Jack company last night?"

She climbed the bed easily, her shiny dark eyes looking at mine, and just like she always knew how to do, she nuzzled me gently and laid down, to offer me a place to lay my head on her belly.

"I really messed up, girl," I said, my voice shaking, "and I don't know what to do to fix it."

Chica whimpered again, her tail softly wagging against my right arm. Her deep breaths making my head rise and fall. Then rise and fall. It felt a little bit better now with her here with me, but as warm and loving as my golden girl was, she wasn't Jack.

I looked at the clock again. It was 7:45am. I closed my eyes tightly, almost willing myself to fall asleep. I had so much to do in a few hours, but all I saw when I closed my eyes was his eyes. His confused, angry and frightened blue eyes looking back at me. The way his beautiful, slender hand pulled away from mine, as if it was dangerous.

As if I was dangerous.

I felt Chica licking my face softly. It was only then that I realized that I was crying. She whimpered again, and seemed to be doing her best to not miss a single salty tear from my face. Her tail had stopped wagging now, and we laid there together, only her whimpers and my sobs filling the room as the room brightened from the morning sun.


-Jack's POV-

The words still echoed in my head.

"I don't have time to just be there for you right now! This is really really important and I need to focus all of my attention on this."

Why the hell would he snap at me like that? I was just worried about him. I opened up the fridge before remembering that, thanks to Tyler, we were completely out of food. I almost laughed as I grabbed some of the leftover Chinese food. Sighing over the interesting breakfast that I was about to have, I place part of the rest of my Lo mein dish on a plate, and placed it in the microwave.

I hadn't seen Chica since I had let her out of the guest bedroom earlier in the morning. With being so upset at Mark it was nice to have her to snuggle up with last night. The house seemed so quiet without her stomping around, Mark right behind her with his  loud goofy laugh.

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