The Big Drop

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(A/N the video above is the first location that Jack and Mark were taken, and is really best to be viewed after fully reading this chapter)

-Jack's POV-

"Are the blindfolds really necessary?" I asked, my head turned, at least I think, in the direction of Felix.

"You're taking to me, Jack," Mark said, "And yes, apparently they are."

"Oh, sorry." I said turning my head in different directions, trying to get a sense of where we were being driven to. " it just us in the car?"

"I think so," Mark said, somewhat concerned. "I haven't heard another voice for quite a while now."

We both sat quietly for a while. Our hands loosely tied with soft rope and firmly strapped in with seatbelts. Every so often I would feel the vehicle, which seemed very large in scale, make a wide turn or go up an steep hill.

"Felix?" I hear Mark say loudly to my right, "You do know that murdering us isn't the best way to get our subscribers on YouTube, right?"

I heard what sounded like a sliding door or window open, and a loud cackle of laughter filled the air.

"I'm not murdering you, bros." said Felix, still chuckling. "I spent a good amount of time and money on this first surprise, so I'm making sure it doesn't get ruined. Also, you two are being filmed, so keep the making out to a minimum, unless coming out on my channel was part of your plan."

"Not like that was a shocker," Mark whispered to me, "about today being filmed. Thank god I made a point of wearing something nice today."

"Wish I could see what you were wearing," I said, with a smirk. "I got my eyes covered and put in here before you, remember?"

"Ok, lovebirds," Felix said, "Keep the whispers to a minimum too. We'll be stopping very soon, and I promise you both that you'll have a great time."

I heard the sliding sound again, and Felix voice was now very muffled.

"So," I said, after a few more moments, "Interesting start of the day here in England for you, I'd suspect?"

Mark laughed loudly. "Well I didn't think being blindfolded and shoved roughly into a vehicle was going to come right after breakfast. Thought that most of you Europeans did sudden kidnappings during afternoon tea time."

"I've been in Brighton under a year, so it's possible that I haven't gotten to that part of the 'Moving to Brighton' manual yet." I said, as the vehicle turned another corner." Besides, you know that I'm more of a coffee drinker anyway."

After another turn, I felt the car finally slowing down and stopping. There was a bit of noise coming from the front, and then I heard a large set of doors open.

"Ok," I heard a male voice say, "We're rolling."

"Hey bros! It's Pewdiepie!" I heard Felix shout, I assumed into a camera. "You won't guess who I have locked up in my van today?"

"And here we go," I sighed.


-Mark's POV-

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