The Quiet Afterglow

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-Mark's POV-

I yawned and opened my eyes to see him laying next to me, sleeping soundly. Part of his face hidden in the pillow and the other side bathed in the moonlight of the opened window. Hair still somewhat tangled from us making love, I laid there beside him for a long moment, just watching his chest rise and fall.

I turned my head slightly to see his left hand resting near his face, and I placed my hand on top of his palm. Almost instinctively his fingers intertwined with mine, and he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

I could stay here in moments like this forever. Watching him peacefully sleep next to me, and in the mornings find new ways to wake him so that I could be first person to see his breathtaking blue eyes open up. That was my favorite moment. The one that I waited for every day. Hoping that I would wake up first so that I could fall in love with him all over again.

His eyes. His smile. That amazing giggle. The way he says the "r" in my name. There were so many things about him that caused my heart to beat faster when he entered a room. It had just been over three months now since we began to date, but it seemed like so much longer. I was so helplessly in love with this man, that it almost ached inside when we were apart.

Was that normal? Was that something that other couples felt?

I felt my stomach growl, and looked at the clock on the end table.


We had gone to bed pretty early, so that explained my belly's annoyance. I recalled him telling me that there was still spaghetti and meatballs in the fridge.

I began to sit up, and gently pulled my hand away from him. His brow furrowed slightly at the movement, but as usual, I took my fingers and ran them through his hair, and he instantly relaxed again.

As I got up slowly out of the bed, I could hear him mutter something, but I wasn't able to catch what it was. I looked on the floor and put on my boxer and pajama pants from earlier in the evening, and then, leaning back over I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and headed down to the kitchen to eat.  

I should have put on socks.

The hardwood floor felt a bit colder than normal for the time of year, but I already had made it halfway down the stairs, and I didn't want to head back to the bedroom and potentially wake him up. As I rubbed my eyes as I turned on the kitchen light, I heard a familiar yawn, and "tap tap tap" of claws heading towards me.

"Hey Chica," I whispered, seeing her coming towards me, her eyes sleepy and giving me another large yawn.

"Sorry that I woke you up, pup," I said quietly as I put some of the leftover spaghetti and meatballs on a plate in the microwave.

Chica nuzzled my hand as I stood and waited for my food, which I took to mean that she would graciously accept my apology if a meatball was involved. I chuckled and after my food was warmed up, I took one of the larger meatballs and gave it to her. She ate it in less than two bites and licking her lips, settled underneath the kitchen table and laid down.

After I finished eating I washed my dishes and headed towards the living room to watch some television. Chica yawned loudly again, but decided to stay in the kitchen. I sat down and turned on the TV, but didn't really find much to watch when it was so late. Just infomercials and the occasional classic movie.

I settled on a monster movie, but I began watching in the middle of the action so I really had no clue of what had happened so far. There was a pretty blonde woman screaming, her eyes wide and makeup flawless, running from a very rubbery suited swamp monster of some sort.

I heard the soft sound of footsteps, and called out that I was in the living room. Jack came in a few moments later, only in his boxer shorts and looking incredibly tired. He then curled up beside me on the couch.

"Hey," I said quietly, kissing his forehead. "What are you doing up?"

"I woke up an' ya weren't in the bed," he said, his accent incredibly thick due to his sleepiness. "I got cold an' came lookin' fer ya."

I chuckled softly, and wrapped my arms around his shoulder, and laying on my back in our usual couch napping position, I pulled him up so that his head was resting on my chest. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I began to rub the small of his back.

"Feel warmer now?" I asked.

He nodded slowly.

We both were quiet for a while, the flicker of the tv screen creating wavy shadows on the walls and furniture.

"Mark?" he asked softly.


"I love you."

I smiled and tightened my arms around him. "I love you too, Sean."

"No," he said softly, turning his face to meet mine. "I mean that I truly love you. I think that you really are the love of my life."

I felt my eyes water at that, but I found a chuckle escape my lips.

"You told me that you thought that after the first night we made love. It was so incredibly sweet, but I wasn't sure that it was true."

I nodded to indicate that I understood.

"I'm sorry for that," he said, his eyes suddenly watering too. "I knew that I loved you, but I was scared of such strong feelings. I love you so much. I'm sorry that I doubted that we were supposed to be...that we are..."

Huge tears were falling from his eyes now, and I was trying my best to catch each one and wipe them away. My own face felt wet as well. His last sentence was lost in sobs, and it was hard to tell if they were sad or happy.

I pressed my forehead to his and, closing my eyes, hummed "You Are My Sunshine" to him. His sobs became quieter as he listened to me, and then he began to hum along with me. When we finished humming the last part, I opened my eyes to look into his blue irises. His eye lashes were still slightly moist from crying.

"I'm such a fuckin' basket case sometimes, aren't I?" he asked.

"No," I said, placing my lips very close to his lips. "I think you are the most perfect person to spend the rest of my life with."

He leaned in and kissed me, our mouths fitting in just the right places, and we kissed until we couldn't feel anything but our hearts beating as one.

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