The Bad Timing

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-Mark's POV-

"Mike, you are seriously going to end up having a stroke if you keep on worrying like this," I said, grabbing a bowl from the kitchen cabinet. "I'm only going to be in England for another two weeks, and then I'll be back in LA."

His next words sounded slightly muffled, so I adjusted my phone closer to my ear.

" -- and it just feels like you are not taking the Holiday Charity Livestream seriously, and since the news about you and Jack," he said, "I am even more concerned than ever that you have him more on your mind than dealing with work."

I felt a slight annoyance at this, as if my libido would be more important that the Charity event, but something told me to not make a snide remark as of yet. Mike as already so on the edge as it was.

"I am perfectly capable," I said, trying to keep my tone even, "Of both dating and keeping on task with my workload. You do realize that Jack isn't the first person who I have dated since YouTube. If anything Jack is more understanding and respectful of what I do because he fucking does it too."

"Is everything all right in here?" I heard Jack ask, and turning around saw him leaning into the kitchen, his face looking concerned. "I heard my name and -"

I raised up a "one moment" finger and Jack fell silent. "Mike, I'm stopping this phone call before I start saying things that I regret. I promise that I will get the newest outline to you by tomorrow afternoon. Bye."

Mike was still talking as I hung up the phone, but I really didn't care. My anger for him not trusting my ability to focus hit a sore spot that I have had since I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger.

"Not the best conversation, I assume?" he asked, looking at me intently.

"No, not really," I replied, running my fingers through my hair as I leaned on the kitchen counter.

He walked over to me and gave me a hug, and I inhaled his scent of his shampoo. "Want to talk about it?"

"No," I said simply, placing my phone in my back pocket. "It's just the same old worries he has about the charity livestream."

"And he thinks that I'm a distraction," he said, his blue eyes narrowed.

"Which you're not," I said pointedly, "I'm able to keep my hormones in check. He acts like I'm a teenager who just discovered what his dick can do."

Jack giggled loudly. "There's an interesting visual," he said, giving me a quick little wink. He leaned in for a kiss, and our lips moved as one for a long moment, and I could feel the back of my head being rubbed by his hands. My hands went from his waist to grab ahold of his wonderfully curvy ass and felt the need to do something more.

I grabbed his legs and scooped him up, and he gave a small squeak in surprise, but still had his hands wrapped around my neck. I carried him to the living room and laying him down on the couch, crawled on top of him and began to pepper his face and neck with soft kisses. He moaned softly, and pulled at my shirt. I removed it at once and he sighed happily, looking at my bare torso.

"I will never get over how stunning you look," he said touching my stomach with his fingertips.

I smiled and leaned down to help him with his shirt, his pale skin slightly pink from excitement. He started to undo my jeans and I reached down to kiss his chest and nibble his neck, his moans becoming longer and louder.

"Aren't you proving...Mike right by us...doing this?" he asked between shudders.

I pulled away from his neck to look him straight into his brilliant eyes. "This is about me making love to my gorgeous boyfriend. Fuck Mike."

He giggled again, and pulled me back towards his face and we kissed again. My need for more was growing and I felt my pants getting very tight. He started to pull down my pants and underwear, and I adjusted myself more on the couch to help him take off his jeans. I could feel him rushing me slightly, which only made me more ready to go.

"Should we go to the bedroom?" I asked quickly, "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"No, no," he said, sitting up and kissing my stomach and chest, "here is fine. Take me right here."

I moaned at his kisses, and in one quick motion finished pulling off his jeans and underwear. His amazing pale skin shining and pink soaked nipples erect. I bent down and gently licked them and he groaned and began to scratch my back.

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in the back pocket of my unbuckled pants.

What the hell?

I pulled away from his left nipple and reached back to grab my phone, very aware of the confusion on Jack's face.

It was Mike calling me back.


"Please don't tell me that you're going to answer that," he said, his voice sounding very irritated.

I looked down at him, and then to the buzzing phone. His eyes were very narrow now, and the redness in his face was no longer from excitement, but from severe annoyance.

"I'm sorry babe," I said quickly, reeling from the glare he was giving me, "I got to take this. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

I got off of the couch and adjusting my now incredibly tight pants, answered the phone. "Mike, I swear to god this better be important."

"Fucking cock block," I heard Jack mumbling behind me as he got off of the couch and stomped off out of the living room.

"It's important," he snapped. "You have to get back to Los Angeles as soon as possible. A major sponsor wants to pull out of the charity livestream."

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