The Card Game

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-Mark's POV-

"You have to play a card at some point you know," I said.

"Don't rush me," he grumbled back at me, his eyes shifting right to left at the cards in his hand.

"Babe," I sighed after another minute. "This is Uno, not high stake poker. Either play a card or strip. That's the rules."

He pulled out a green 3 and placed it on top of my yellow 3.

"Damn it," I said loudly, looking at my own cards. No green cards or 3's to play.

He smirked at me, his bright blue eyes scanning what was left of my clothing.

"Fine," I sighed. "What do you want off of me?"

"It's about time to take off the shirt," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes and began to pull at my shirt.

"Hold on a minute, hot shot," he said giggling. "Take it off slowly. You made me do the same thing with my pants."

I sighed and stood up. I grabbed to bottom of my shirt and pulled it up as slowly as possible. I could feel his eyes on my stomach and chest as the shirt fully left my body.

"Very nice," he said with a soft smile.

At this point we were running out of clothing. He was down to a grey t shirt, dark blue boxers and one sock. I had on my blue jeans and both of my socks.

I sat back down in the chair and drew cards until I got another green card. I placed it on the pile and glanced up at him. His face was focused and determined. His tongue stuck out a bit as he thought about his next move. The index finger and thumb of his right hand grabbed at one of his middle cards, and I hopefully leaned forward.

He then made a face and moved his hand back to rub his chin. I groaned and fell back into my chair.

"Strip Uno was your idea," I said pointedly. "Just because you're losing -"

"I'm only behind because you started off with more clothing than me," he said, glaring over his cards at me. "Honestly, who wears their shoes indoors?"

"Most of the western world, Bright Eyes."

He raised an eyebrow. "And your flannel shirt?"

"You leave my lucky flannel out of this," I teased.

He sighed. "Fine, I got nothing. What do you want off?"

"What do you think?" I said, taking my hands and pulling at his boxers.

He chuckled and stood up.

"Any particular way you want me to take them off?" he asked.

I looked at him up and down, and smiled.

"Yes, actually. Turn with your back to me. You have always had such an amazing ass."

He sighed and shaking his head, turned around and slowly pulled off his boxer shorts. His rear end was always so beautiful to look at. He inched over to me a bit, and looked over his shoulder.

"You can give it a squeeze if I get to put on my other sock back on."

"Deal," I said, and took my hands and gave each cheek a squeeze.

He giggled madly. "You can do better than that."

I smirked, and grabbed him around the waist and pulled him into my lap. He hummed a bit as I turned him around so that we were face to face. I took my hands and started to rub his shoulders and then, began to scratch his shoulder blades and the middle of his back. He groaned and leaned onto me, his arms around my neck and collarbone against my lips. I kissed his upper body with light feathery lips and tongue.

I finally got to his rear end again, and taking each of his porcelain curvy globes in my hands, I grabbed them roughly and pulled his pelvis softly into my jean clad groin.

He gasped and I felt his arms tighten around my neck. He sighed heavily and his body trembled.

I gave him a final kiss on the left side of his neck.

"Was that better?" I asked, helping him get off of my lap and back to his seat.

He looked at me, slightly dazed as he sat back down, grabbing his other sock off of the ground and instead of putting it back on his foot, placed it on his hardening length.

I laughed loudly at the placement, and his face turned bright red. "Yes, obviously that was better," he said quickly, "and this does count as putting clothing back on!"

I laughed again, and adjusted in my seat a bit as well. We sat there for a moment, our cards in our hands again.

I leaned over and looked at him, a bit embarrassed. "I've completely have forgotten who's turn it is."

He scratched his head, and frowned slightly. "Me too. That last round derailed my brain."

We both laughed, and taking his cards, I reshuffled to begin a new round.

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