The Unexpected Caress 🍋

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(A/N: Part of this chapter involves sexually explicit material)

-Mark's POV-

"Hey!" he yelped, as I chuckled and sat back down on the bed. He rubbed his right butt cheek in small circles with the palm of his right hand, shooting me a dirty look as he turned back around to face me properly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You should know that your curves are way too sexy to bend over like that without me giving you a pinch."

He placed his hands on his hips. "I'm more than just a piece of meat, Bright Eyes," he said, his lips curving into a seductive smile.

"Of course you are," I said, smiling back at him, "But I still can't control what my hands do at times." I raised my hands and regarded them warily. "Ever since the transplant," my eyes wide and dramatic, " they...have a mind of their own."

"Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen," he snapped back.

He turned back around and went back to searching the suitcase. "Where the hell did I put that -"

"If you're looking for your deodorant, it's on the dresser," I said, moving to the head of the bed and stretching out under the bedsheets.

He stood back up, walked over grabbing the deodorant along with the rest of the items next to them, and placing them in the still opened suitcase.

"We don't head back to the airport until tomorrow afternoon, " I said, as I grabbed my phone from the end table and started going through my emails. "You don't have to pack everything back up right now."

"I guess you're right," he said, sitting on the foot of the bed. "Just feel like trying to get ahead of things, so there is less to do tomorrow."

I lowered my phone, and smiled. "That's up to you babe," I said, "If you want to pack, go right ahead and do that."

He smirked, and lifted up the end of the bedsheets, and I lowered my phone as the moving lump of my boyfriend crawled up to me from under the bedsheets. The lump stopped near my torso, and I felt my pajama pants gently be pulled down by the waist band.

"What..what are you - " I began, and suddenly I felt soft lips kissing my v line and hip bones. A surge of warm air surrounding my member.

Then he started to suck.

I groaned and closed my eyes, my phone dropping out of my hand with a soft "pat" on the pillow beside me. "Oh god - " I said, my breath hitching up from the pleasure in my loins.

He released me from his mouth and then I felt his slender fingers wrap around gently, the up and down motion rhythmic and smooth. I was getting harder by the second, and wanted him closer. Needed to see his beautiful face.

"Please, Sean," I said, pulling off the sheets from over top him, and as the covers fell to the floor.

I saw him, his blue eyes dark and peering into me so deeply that my heart felt like it was going to float away entirely. He pulled my pajama pants down a bit more, his pink lips and tongue tasting my abdomen and then my nipples. I tried to sit up, but his free hand pushed me gently, and I laid back down, understanding what he wanted.

I moaned at the build up in my torso, his light kisses and strokes setting my skin and soul on fire. My mind was completely lost in the moment, and I placed my hand on the back on his head as he once again went back to my length, his gag reflex, apparently, no longer an issue.

I opened my eyes and looked over his form, his small waist arched and his amazing rear end sprayed into a pair of dark green boxers. I slid my hand up his arm, and he looked at me, mouth and lips still focused at the job at hand.

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