The Soft Kiss

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-Jack's POV-

"Mark?" I called out, "are you still in the living room?"

There was silence. It was odd that the house was so silent now that everyone has left for the night. As I finished clearing up the kitchen I could almost still hear the voices of people calling out start and stop times. The echoes of footsteps heading up and down the stairs and hallways.

The cheers of hitting a new number for the charity. It has been insane but definitely worth it. I finished the last dishes and walked over to the staircase. I could hear Mark on the phone, so I headed upstairs.

Inside the bedroom he was sitting on the bed, wearing dark blue pajama pants, his hair still slightly damp from his shower and his phone to his right ear.

"Yes, of course we can't wait to set some things up for after the New Year," he said, patting the area next to him for me to sit down. "I know that it will be a great experience."

I moved beside him, and laid my head on his lap. He ran fingers through my hair and down my back and I sighed.

He finished talking on the phone, and hung up. He placed his phone on the side table and leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked getting up and sitting next to him again.

"That was Mr. Spencer," he said smiling. "He called me up to congratulate us on the Charity Event, and to let us know that he would like to meet with us early in the next year about a possible partnership with both of our channels."

My eyes widened. "Wow, that's amazing!"

He nodded. "Yes, it is. He was really impressed with what we did tonight."

He leaned over and gave me a hug.

"However," he said touching my forehead to his, "I do believe that a certain blue eyed lover of mine and I have some unfinished kissing from earlier today."

I giggled and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. "I think that my brown eyed lover is right about that." I got up out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. "Just give me about ten minutes to get into something a bit sexier?"

He chuckled softly, and nodded again. I closed the bathroom door and after taking a quick shower wrapped myself in a towel and headed back into the bedroom. On the bed was Mark, nude on top of the covers, and snoring loudly.

I sighed, took off my towel and after turning off the bedroom light, crawled into the bed with him. He was laying on his side and his head barely on the pillow. It was very obvious that he hadn't meant to fall asleep but was clearly exhausted after the day he had. I laid down beside him and nuzzled my chest against his back, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Not the night that I was expecting, but this is nice too," I said out loud, and I gave him a soft kiss on the back of the neck.

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