The Morning Visitor

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-Mark's POV-



The side of my head was the first thing to feel the impact of falling out of the bed, and the pain of the all day headache was immediate. Eyes watering, I groaned and got up slowly, trying to see where the screaming was coming from.

After a moment I found the satellite radio alarm clock on the side table, and not being able to figure out which button muted the screeching box, pulled out the plug with a hard yank, and all was silent again.

I was alone in the bedroom, and wiping my eyes saw that it was fairly bright outside. Yawning deeply, I stretched and ran my fingers through my hair. Still naked from last night, I glanced around for a moment looking for my boxer shorts and pants before heading out to look for Jack. The floor was clean of clothing though, both his and mine.

He must be washing them.

Grabbing some clean dark blue boxers from my suitcase, I pulled them on and headed, still sleepy and blurry eyed, down the hall to the kitchen. My nose filled with the wonderful and unmistakable smells of coffee and bacon. Turning sharply to the right, my vision tunneled by the still throbbing headache, and the fact that my glasses were still sitting on the night stand in the bedroom, I zipped passed the sounds of munching at the kitchen table, and headed straight for the full coffee pot.

Thanking Jack silently for already having a mug right next to the pot, I took a giant gulp, not caring that it was black and I usually took my coffee with sugar.

"Morning, babe," I said groggily, my back still turned to Jack sitting at the table.

"Morning Sexy," said a voice. "Nice ass."

I swiveled around, very aware that wasn't Jack who had responded.

"Felix?!" I said, gasping and almost dropping my mug.

Felix sat at the table to the side of me. His blonde hair styled in a perfect part on the side. His bright blue eyes and smile both looking mischievous. In front of him was a stack of freshly made pancakes and bacon, and he had just taken another sip of his orange juice.

My brain, finally jump started by the coffee, registered that I wasn't wearing pants and I checked to make sure nothing was showing that would give a much better view of my privates than I ever wanted Felix to know about.

I stood in stunned silence as Felix looked at me, a smirk still firmly planted on his lips, like seeing me half naked and red faced was the perfect start to his day. I heard footsteps and Jack entered the room, looking slightly surprised to see me, and then looking to Felix. Jack's face seemed to connect what had happened, and turning back to Felix, gave him an annoyed look.

"Fe, would you stop staring at him, for fuck's sake," he said, shaking his head, "Or at least let him put on a pair of pants before you start driving him crazy."

Jack walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Morning Mark," he said with a smile, "Felix came over uninvited and started eating our breakfast. I've already called the exterminator to get him out of here."

Felix snorted with laughter, and continued eating his food. I chuckled as well, sitting down next to him with my coffee. After a minute or two Jack came over and placed a stack of pancakes, crispy bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me.

"Bless you," I said, looking up at him, happily. He winked and then handed me a large glass container of sugar for my coffee.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Jack asked, heading back over to the stove to get food for himself.

"Mmm hmm," I said, already on my third bite of pancake.

"You didn't ask me if I slept well," Felix said in mock outrage. "Guess only the hot Asian guys get all of the attention around here."

"Half Asian," I corrected, pouring sugar in my coffee.

"By the bulge in the front of those boxers I can tell which half is the below the waist," Felix said, with a laugh.

"Ok, I'm putting on pants," I said, starting to get up. Jack pushed me back down in the seat and he moved to sit down next to me.

"Mark," Jack said, laughing softly. "Please stay and eat your food, and you," he said, looking at Felix, "Act like an adult for more than ten fucking seconds."

Felix stuck out his tongue.

Jack gave Felix the middle finger, and then turned his attention back to me. "I washed your clothes, just in case you wondered where they were."

"I assumed as much, " I said, now digging into the fluffy scrambled eggs. "What do we have planned for today?"

Jack sighed, and tilted his head towards Felix again. "You would need to ask him that," he said. slightly exasperated. "He pretty much hijacked your first full day here. Only found out he was coming over myself about 30 minutes ago."

"I like to be spontanious," Felix said, unapologetically. "By the sounds of what Jack has said about what you both usually do on a typical day, you're an incredible boring couple."

"Now wait just a min -" started Jack.

"No need to worry," Felix continued, cutting Jack off, "Pewdiepie is here to bring excitement into your lives."

"Whether we want it or not," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Eh, such negativity," he said, rolling his eyes, "Taking my best friends hostage in pursuit of fun is worth the possible jail time. I have a great day planned for your first time in Brighton, Mark. You'll have a blast. I promise. You've had all your shots, right?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Just kidding," he said, raising his hands defensively. "The first stop with "A Day With Felix" starts at 11am, so just finish your food and get dressed. The clothing optional part of the day isn't until this evening."

I sighed heavily, and began to mentally prepare myself for today. Jack leaned over to me. "I still would make sure you had all your shots. This is Felix we're dealing with."

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