The Busy Preparation

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-Jack's POV-

The makeup artist squinted a bit as she looked at my face again, and then sighed.

"It isn't completely gone, but at least you should be able to go a few hours without the cameras noticing the bruise." she said, finishing up.

I thanked her and got out of the chair. Mark was busy talking to Mike when he saw me walking up.

"Hey Bright Eyes," he said, giving me a kiss on the lips and looking at my holiday outfit. I was wearing a Santa hat, a Star Wars holiday sweater and green pants. "You look adorable," he said smiling.

He looked great too. He had a green sweatshirt with a cartoon of Chica and him sledding and black jeans.

Felix was trying to get his sweater to light up properly and was grumbling to Robin in Swedish. Robin was sighing deeply as he was messing with wires in the back of the sweater.

"Jack hang on a sec," I heard Mike say, and I turned around to have my face inspected. He frowned.

"It could look better but it's all we got for now," he said gruffly.

"Thanks for the kind words," I grumbled back. "It's just my face is all."

He rolled his eyes and walked off to check on other things. Mark came up from behind me and kissed me again. "Don't let Mike get to you. He's in full asshole mode today."

"Anything that I can do to help," I asked.

"If you want to try to help Robin not electrocute Felix that would be wonderful, or at least tell him to wait until we are live on the air to do it."

I giggled, and giving me a quick smack on the butt, Mark raced off towards the kitchen where Bob and Wade were.

I headed over to help Robin and Felix, trying my best not to trip over any of the cameras and lighting equipment everywhere. There were people everywhere, and it was hard to believe that the event was starting in less than an hour. Robin at this point looked like he was doing everything in his power not to outright scream at Felix. His eyes so angry looking that he was almost scary.

"Need some extra help?" I asked, and Robin looked instantly relieved to see me.

"Yes, please," he said handing me a couple of loose wires. "I could use an extra pair of hands."

Felix looked happier that I was there as well, and within a few minutes we were able to get Felix's horribly awesome sweater to power on. The sweater was a picture of a large Christmas tree complete with giant real flashing lights. Felix smiled and pressed a button and "Oh Christmas Tree" began to play from a hidden speaker.

"You've outdone yourself, Mr Pewdiepie," I laughed.

He winked and pointed to a huge hat made out of fake reindeer antlers.

Well that explains at least one thing that was in that huge suitcase. I heard Bob calling me from the kitchen and I headed that way, passing by Katherine who was busy talking to a couple of other people about where the lighting was going to go for the first couple of shots.

Getting into the kitchen Bob and Wade both smiled at me as I entered. Both also were wearing holiday sweaters. Bob's was bright blue with snowflakes and Wade also had on a Star Wars holiday sweater with Yoda drinking egg nog.

"Mark said that you would be the right one to ask about pie."

"He knows me very well," I said.

"Wade thinks that the pie eating contest should be with apple pie, but I think pumpkin pie is more holiday themed. What do you think?"

"Pumpkin. It's more known for the holiday season, plus it's messier. The viewers will love it."

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