The Future Promise

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-Jack's POV-

I raised my hand to cover my eyes as I entered the room, the light was so bright coming from the large windows surrounding the back wall.  The door closed behind me with a quiet click, and I realized that Dr. Kingsley had not come in with me.

I walked slowly to the bed, and laying there was Mark. His hospital gown slightly ruffled and wires connecting from his chest to a heart monitor, which beeped softly every few moments. The television was on, and playing an afternoon talk show of some sort, but Mark was not watching it. His face was angled towards me, his eyes closed and his breathing relaxed. The mask was off, and I could see his nose and lips properly again.

I sat down in a chair near him, and pushed some of his stray hairs from his face. His eyes opened very slowly, and looking to see what touched him, his eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Sean?" he said, his voice sounding very dry, but truly happy. "Oh I'm so glad that you are here."

He reached out his hand and I gave him mine. He smiled and lifting up his hands to his lips he kissed it gently.

"I'm so sorry, Sean," he said, his dark brown eyes filling with tears, "I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I love you so much, and I yelled at you. I am so stubborn and stupid."

I leaned over and shushed him gently. "It's ok," I said, "I am just so happy that Chica barks so loudly."

He looked at me and placed his hand on my cheek. "You saved my life," he said, his teary eyes meeting mine, "Y-You saved my life, Sean."

"I love you, Mark," I said, not wanting to think about the fact that he could have died.

"I'll do anything for you," he said, his voice trembling, "whatever you want and I'll do it."

"I just want you to feel better, Bright Eyes," I said, feeling like my heart would burst with all of the love coursing through his veins towards me.

"I already do," he said quickly, "you're here now."

He pulled me towards him and kissed my lips, his hands traveling through my hair as felt myself climbing on the bed with him. Trying to be careful of the wires connected to his chest, and listening to the beeping sounds of the machine, we hugged and kissed each other for a long time. Only stopping to take an occasional breath, or to wipe away tears for the other one's face.

I heard my phone buzz, and pulled away from the most recent kiss. "I need to get that," I said softly, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"No, please stay here with me," he pleaded, rubbing my shoulders gently. "We made a deal about not answering our phones during times like this, remember?"

I rolled my eyes.

"This is a different situation, Mark," I chuckled. "That may be your mom, Thomas or someone else in your family. They don't know what happened yet."

"You're right," he said, nuzzling my neck as I started to sit up. "After you check then? Can we snuggle some more, please?"

"Of course," I said, kissing his forehead.

He smiled and watched me sit down and look through my messages.

"It looks like Tyler was able to get ahold of your mom, Thomas and your stepmom." I said, glancing back up at him. "Bob and Wade still haven't returned his calls, but he will try again later today."

Mark stretched his arm to reach my hand again. I put down my phone and took it. "He's giving everyone my phone number so they can stay in contact, but my number is international, so he's giving them your phone number in the hospital as well."

"Ok," he said, not really seeming to focus on what I was saying. "Whatever you think is best."

I sighed and stood up again. "Whatever I think is best?" I said, smiling, "are you sure that you're my boyfriend?"

He laughed and kissed my hand again. "Only for a while longer. I'm going to marry you one day."

I felt my heart skip a beat, and tears began to fall again. "They must have you on some great medication," I stammered, "to have you saying things like that."

He smiled as he reached up and touched my face with his warm hand. "Yes, I'm as high as a kite right now," he said, pushing away one of my tears, "but I meant what I said. Will you say yes when I finally ask you?"

I leaned over and smiled. "What do you think?"

His smiled and sat up closer to me, our lips meeting again. He wrapped his hands around my shoulders, and pulled me back into the bed. Even in his condition I was in awe of his strength as my feet left the ground and I was softly laid next to him, our mouths not parting even once. I fit into his arms so perfectly, and I moaned at his gentle touches on my back and arms. His butterfly kisses on my shoulders and collarbone made me hiss softly in his ear as my skin felt so alive.

I mouthed the right side of his chin, and I felt him quake with a long sigh, then a yawn. His eyes looked up at me, suddenly so sleepy and he was trying hard to keep them opened.

"Looks like you need another nap," I said quietly. "Just close your eyes. I'll be here when you wake up."

He frowned slightly, and nuzzled my neck.

"I promise," I said, running my fingers through his dark hair. He sighed, I felt his arms and head relax, and then he was asleep.

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