The Awful Trigger

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-Jack's POV-

"Are you sure you are ok with me not going to your follow up appointment?" I asked, trying my best to not look as worried as I felt.

He nodded and ate another bite of eggs. "Yes, I'll be fine. You have been doing so much for me already. So much that your working all night to keep up your two video a day schedule."

"I don't mind - "

"I know that you don't mind," he said sternly, "which is one of the many reasons that I love you,but you need to take time out for yourself."

My face fell into a deep frown, and sighing he got up from the kitchen table to walk over to me near the stove and kiss me.

"You cook delicious meals. Keep the house clean. Help take care of Chica, and tolerate my goofiness to almost a saint-like degree."

I laughed.

"So you deserve a break from "all things Mark" for a day," he continued.

I opened my mouth to respond, but he put his fingers in his ears.

"Not listening to arguments, whether valid or otherwise. You officially have the day off starting now, which means step away from the stove so that Chef Iplier can make you a delicious breakfast."

I grumbled and sat down at the table.

"Now what would vous like for zee breakfast?" he asked in a horrible French accent.

"I'll take scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon, please."

He bowed deeply and began to get items out of the fridge, singing "Lady Marmalade" incredibly loudly and out of tune.

I just rolled my eyes and laughed again.

Breakfast was nice, and after my belly was full he took me by the hand to the bedroom where he had a warm bath run, and after I relaxed in the tub, he brought me to the bed for a long and enjoyable body massage.

"This feels wonderful," I groaned into the pillow. "I may just fall into a coma during this."

"If so I will notify your family and your viewers as to your medical condition," he said softly.

Afterwards he placed some soft clothes next to me and gave me a kiss. "I'm heading over to see Dr. Kingsley. Please don't do anything today that isn't 100% relaxing, ok?

"Ok," I muttered back.


"Yes, I promise."


-Mark's POV-

"Jack, I'm home," I called out as I close the front door. The house was quiet. "Jack?" I called again.

I heard noises in the back yard, and after dropping off my keys and wallet I headed to the backyard door and opened it.

Jack was playing tug a war with Chica with one of her rope toys. He was wearing bright green and white swimming trunks and laughing loudly as Chica wagged her happily. I leaned by the doorframe and quietly watched them. My two loves together. Jack said something to her and then threw the rope toy to the left, and Chica ran after it as fast as she could.

Then Jack turned to the pool and jumped in cannonball style. The splash was loud and massive, and suddenly it happened.

It started off as just a small pain in my chest, almost like heartburn, but it grew in intensity with each beat of my heart. Then there came the tightness of breath, and I felt myself going off balance. I took a few steps towards the pool area, and saw in my blurred vision Jack's head pop out of the water.

He turned around and waved a hand at me, then seeming to realized that something was wrong, called out my name.

At least I think that he called out my name. My ears felt like they were no longer working properly, and I fell down on one knee with the next step I took. I instinctively placed my hand on my chest, but it's not where all the pain was coming from. I felt it all over. My head, my legs and arms, my lungs and heart. I couldn't breathe. I has on my hands and knees now, tears burning my eyes as I tried to catch my breath. I felt slightly wet hands on my back and was pushed back gently so that I was sitting on the concrete ground.

My vision of Jack's terrified face came into view, and I could see his lips moving, but only could hear my own fast beating heart, and then there were screams. They sounded like Jack screaming, and then my mother and Thomas. I heard Bob, Wade and then Ethan and Tyler. All screaming for help in my head. I closed my eyes, hoping to stop the noises but then I saw faces. Horrible faces thrashing under the water.

I felt Jack's hand intertwine with my hand and his forehead against mine. I opened my eyes, terrified of what I would see. His eyes looked back into mine, and in my ears I could hear his voice coming from far away, but I could hear the words clearly now.

"Take a deep breath. You need to breathe."

I tried to inhale again, but it felt like my lungs were fighting to work. I shook my head that I couldn't breathe, praying that he would understand what I was trying to say.

His hands began rubbing my shoulders and arms softly, and I looked looked up at him again. His face was blurry again I could tell that he was taking deep breaths in and out, and wanted me to copy him. I inhaled again, and this time I could feel cool air in my lungs, and my head began to feel less clouded. I exhaled, and my vision suddenly cleared.

"You're doing great, Bright Eyes. Now again, breathe in..."

I inhaled again, this time was a bit easier. My hand found his again and I grabbed onto it tightly.

"Now exhale."

I breathed out, my eyes looking into his. My heart still hurting, but no where near as badly as before.

"Now," he said quietly, leaning towards me. "Tell me something that you love."

"Your eyes," I said weakly.

He smiled, slightly surprised it seemed that I would mention something about his features. "Ok. Name something else that you love."

"The smell of hot cocoa on cold winter nights."

"I love that smell too," he said, touching my right cheek with his left hand.

"Now, name something that helps you feel calm."

"Your kisses after a really rough day."

He let go of my hand and placed it on my other cheek, and after making sure my breathing had steadied, placed our lips together. I felt my body relax and the voices, the screams, went from whispers in the back of my brain to silence.

My eyes snapped opened once he pulled away from the kiss, and he looked back me, concern in every line of his beautiful face.

"Mark," he said quietly, "You need to see someone soon."

I narrowed my eyes, genuinely confused.

"You looked like you had a really terrible anxiety attack," he said, grabbing ahold of my arms and pulling me in close to his chest. "Do you know what triggered it?"

I leaned into his arms, his heartbeat next to my ear. The images, the sounds, the feelings of fear and death were so real.

"I think..." I said, the words coming slowly out as I was coming to terms with everything. "it was the splashing water."

He kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter, and I felt myself rocking back and forth as we sat there together.

"We'll get you some help, ok?" he said, his voice so calm. "We'll work through this."

I nodded, not knowing what else to do.

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