The Foolish Fight

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-Mark's POV-

The entire ride back to the house was beyond tense. Jack made a point of making sure that he jumped into the front seat next to me after I put Felix's huge suitcase in the trunk of the car. I had never seen Felix look as angry as he did, or be as quiet as he was.

His lips were pressed into a severe frown, and even though I was not able to see his eyes through the dark shades, I was fairly certain that he was glaring at me from the back seat. Jack tried his best to make small talk, but neither Felix and I were chatting. Most of our answers came in either one word utterances or just plain angry grunts or growls. About halfway back to the house, Jack seemed to give up entirely and spent the rest of the ride looking out of the window.

Pulling up the the driveway, Felix barely let me out the car into park before opening his door and heading up the the front door. His huge suitcase rolling behind him as Jack zipped up to unlock the door, I sighed and walked into the house after they were both inside.

Felix was standing with his arms crossed by the backyard door, his shades now off of his face and his sharp blue eyes glaring at me. I walked over to him.

"Listen Fe," I said slowly, "I'm really so-"


I fell to the ground hard, only vaguely understanding what had happened. The sudden dull throb in my jaw connected me back to the present.

He hit me. That son of a bitch hit me.

I looked up to see Felix shaking his right hand gingerly, as if he had hurt himself when he hit me in the face.

I jumped to my feet and tackled him to the ground.

"What the actual fuck, man?" I screamed as I hit him hard in the ribs.

He started shouting something in Swedish and we both began to wrestle on the floor. Somewhere in the background I heard Jack's voice screaming at us, but I was too angry to pay attention to anything other than my flailing hands trying to hit any part of Felix that I could. In the back of my head I knew that this wasn't the way to handle things. We should be sitting down and talking about what happened. I should be apologizing and thanking him for flying all thousands of miles to help me with the charity event.

But instead, here we both were, blocking punches and screaming at each other.

"Would you both calm the fuck down?" screamed Jack, and I actually felt his hands around my waist trying his best to separate us. His trying was in vain. My years in high school wrestling prepared me for this type of fight, and Felix had no idea how to hit and punch from the ground. I had him pinned underneath me, his face at this point beet red with anger. He tried to swing at me with a loose right fist, but I dodged him easily and grabbed his hair. He screamed loudly and pulled at my wrist trying to dislodge my fingers.

His hand reached for my shirt and grabbing it pulled hard and I felt the material of my shirt rip. I let go of his hair and took hold of his hand, trying to stop him from ripping my shirt off completely. In the corner of my eye I saw Jack. He looked beside himself and seemed not to know how to stop us. If I had been thinking clearly, I would have felt bad for him. His fiance and one of his best friends on the floor fighting each other.

Finally Felix was able to wiggle out of my grip and got on his feet. He went to punch me as I was getting up as well, but over balanced and missed me by a few inches. As Felix took another swing at me, Jack jumped in between us and Felix hit him squarely in the face before he could stop his momentum.

Jack swiveled around looking completely dazed and fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

It was hard to tell who looked more horrified at what he had done. Whe both looked at each other directly in the eyes before we both hit the ground to check on Jack. Felix got to him first and turned him over to look at his face.

He was out cold.

"Oh my god," Felix said, his voice shaking. "Jack?"

Jack didn't respond at all. His eyes were closed and there was a pink bruise on his left cheek. I sat on the floor and Felix handed Jack's limp body to me. I had never seen Felix look so terrified.

"He's breathing normally," I said looking back from Jack to Felix. "I think that he just got knocked out, but we need to watch him for a while."

Felix nodded quickly, and helped me carry him to the couch. I pointed towards the kitchen. "Grab me a cold washcloth," I said to Felix. "There are clean cloths under the sink in the kitchen."

Felix left without a word and came back a few moments later not only with a wash cloth but some medicated cream for the bruise on Jack's cheek.

"This should help with bruise on his cheek," he said handing me the cream.

I nodded and thanked him. We both sat there for the next few minutes watching him. I placed the cream on his face and Felix grabbed a couple of pillows to elevate his feet. I made a point of checking his head for any bumps or bruising but he seemed fine other than the bruise.

"I'm so sorry," Felix said, his eyes looking positively on the verge of tears. "I didn't mean to hurt him at all."

I leaned over and gave him a short hug. "No, this would have never had happened if I wasn't such a dick to you at the airport, Fe. This entire situation is my fault."

Felix turned to me and shook his head. "No, it isn't. You were really worried about Jack in the elevator and I felt the need to make a stupid joke. And you were right about how I act sometimes. I need to think about other people's feelings."

I sighed and gave him a larger hug, and then looked over to Jack, still resting on the couch.

"The Felix Effect claims another victim, huh?" Felix said sadly.

"Ow, my fucking face," Jack groaned, his eyes opening and touching his jaw.

"Jack," I said, sounding relieved. "Are you all right?"

Jack looked at me as if I had at least two heads.

"No," he snapped, "I'm not all right. I just got punched in the fucking face!"

Felix flinched at the words, and leaned over and grabbed a hold oh Jack, his shoulders hunched over in an obvious sob. Any anger that Jack had towards either of us seemed to disappear. He looked completely taken aback by Felix crying, and wrapping his arms around him, started saying comforting words.

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