The Video Message

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(A/N: The above song is "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City, and is meant to be listened to during this chapter. In my opinion it is best to listen to the song during the <> indicators of the chapter, or to read the chapter in full, and then listen to the song while following along with the lyrics)

-Jack's POV-

I missed him so much.

The videos had been finished for the day. I had spoken to Malcom to set up a time to talk to the family about Mark. Delaying it for the first week of me being back in England made it so much worse, but I had needed more time to think. Time to make good counter arguments to their concerns. To find new tools to chip away all of the doubts from their stonewall faces.

Tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm.

I still wasn't ready.

Robin had texted me twice today, worried about the last phone call we had earlier. I seemed "really down". He was right.

Mark had been busy the last few days since I had left, but like clockwork he would Skype me at 8:00pm. His first question always was

"How are you doing?"

My answer always the same.

"I'm fine. I just really miss you."

His almond shaped eyes would always narrow slightly after my response, but he wouldn't say anything more to push. Sometimes I was relieved when he made that choice, and other times I would silently scream inside.

However, tonight was different. He had called by phone earlier in the day to let me know that he was going to be away from the house during our usual Skype time. I hadn't been in the room to answer my phone, so he had reluctantly left a voicemail.

I played it over and over again, just wanting to hear his voice so close to my ear.

"Hey, Sean. It's me. I'm sorry, but I'm going to be away from the house today working on the holiday charity stream with Mike. He's really worried about some details, so I need to take some time to calm him down. Please check your email around our usual time. I sent you something. I love you."

I refreshed my email again over the last few minutes leading up to 8:00pm. At 8:03pm a new message appeared.

Subject: To My Bright Eyes, please open.

(video file)

I blinked, and moving my mouse to the file, I clicked it opened.

There stood Mark, wearing black skinny jeans, and black shirt with my mascot Sam on the front. Around his neck was his guitar, and he was standing in by the stairwell in his house.

His hair freshly washed and smile dazzling. "Evening, Bright Eyes. I finally found out the name of the song that you were humming the night of our first date."

He smiled, and looked back up to the camera.

"I hope I do the song justice. I love you, Bright Eyes."

He cleared his throat and sat down on the bottom step, his head down and began to play. It was a song that I had heard a few times before, and my eyes growing wide, fully grasped what he was doing.

He was singing the song, just for me.


"The stars lean down to kiss you, and I lie awake and miss you.

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.

Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly, but I'll miss your arms around me.

I'd send a postcard to you, dear. Cause I wish you were here. "

His voice was slow and pure, and during the instrumental he swayed in time to the softer notes. His foot tapped to the rhythm, and my heart felt like it would fly our of my chest and back to where he sat in America.

"I'll watch the night turn light blue, but it's not the same without you.

Because it takes to whisper quietly.

The silence isn't so bad, 'til I look at my hands and feel sad,

Cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.

I'll find repose in new ways. Though I haven't slept in two days, cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.

But drenched in vanilla twilight, I'll sit on the front porch all night.

Waist deep in thought because when I think of you,

I don't feel so alone. I don't feel so alone.

I don't feel so alone. As many times as I blink I'll think of you.


He looked up to the camera and smiled, his dark brown eyes sparkling. I never noticed how his dimples cradled the middle of his cheeks so beautifully. That the two small moles on the left side of his chin was my favorite place to rest my lips on during our morning kisses.

"I'll think of you tonight."

I raised my hand to touch the monitor. It somehow made me feel closer to him. The warm glow of his gaze melting through the screen to reach my palms and fingertips. His voice grew louder and more confident with every line he sang.

"When violet eyes get brighter, and heavy wings grow lighter,

I'll taste the sky and feel alive again.

And I'll forget the world that I knew, but I swear I won't forget you.

Oh, if my voice could reach back into the past,

I'd whisper in your ear,

Oh, darling I wish you were here."

His fingers slowly strummed out the finish of the song, the notes sending me to a place next to him again. I was a mess at this point with all of the tears that were falling from my face.

The camera panned out slowly, and his eyes were sparkling with tears as well, and with a final smile, the video stopped.

I looked at the screen for a long time after. He was the reason that I could get through tomorrow with my family. He was the reason that I could wait another week to feel his warm smile. The reason why I felt brave enough to call back a friend who was worried about me.

And with that final thought, I picked up my phone, and after dialing the number, placed it to my ear and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" said his voice.

"Robin?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I'm glad you called me back."

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