The Three Words

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-Jack's POV-

I closed the backyard door with a snap, and sat down on the living room couch. My head was swimming with Mark's  voice as I tried to figure out what he really was talking about.

"Something has changed in the last few days, and I am not sure how to deal with it. I jut feel so different about so much now."

What did he mean? What had changed?

"The problem is, I just don't want to start off anything in the wrong frame of mind. I have made so many mistakes in the past."

Was this about a relationship?

"I mean, Amy alone forgave me for so much. There were times that we didn't see each other for days. Other things were more important."

Was he wanting to get back together with Amy?

There was so much vagueness in the words.

You need to know what is going on. You need to push. The pain in his eyes was so scary.

With resolve, I would demand answers, whether he wanted to give them or not. He may hate me for it, but he needs to talk about whatever was causing him this much torment.

I began to head upstairs.

-Mark's POV-

I wish that I could still drink. 

The first time I really craved anything to numb my brain. To stop me thinking about him. Maybe then I could just tell him how much I wanted to be with him. Liquid courage.

Bending down, I washed my hands and face in the sink. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to talk to him again. I looked in the mirror, studying my face. I looked like I had been crying for months.

"I love you," I said, pretending that my reflection was Jack. "I love you with all of my heart and soul."

-Jack's POV-

Opening his bedroom door as quietly as I could, I heard him. In the bathroom. He was talking to himself.

I should leave. Those words weren't meant for me to hear. They were private.

But then, I heard my name.

-Mark's POV-

"Jack, I'm so sorry for doing this to you. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve another person in your life that needs you. But, I need you."

I inhaled deeply, and still looking into the mirror, I continued.

-Jack's POV-

My ear was to the door now, my eyes fighting back tears.

"I hate myself for wanting to try again. To love again. It's so much easier to just exist, but what you have done to me can't be snuffed out or erased. More importantly, I don't want it to be."

The lump in my throat became larger.

"Your beauty terrifies me," he continued. "Just a glance from your bright eyes makes my heart beat so fast that my ears ache."

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