The Lazy Afternoon

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-Mark's POV-

"I need another few days on sending you a new outline for the holiday livestream," I said quickly. "but after that we should be completely ready to go in December."

Mike made some muttering noises over the speaker phone.

"And you're on speaker phone, so if you are cursing me out, you need to speak up a bit."

"I said that hopefully there won't be any other changes needed," he said loudly. "This whole holiday stream is going to end up giving me an ulcer."

I chuckled as I continued to type on the computer. "You have been dealing with ulcers way before you met me, Mike."

"Granted," he snapped, "but at least then I was still in real estate. What the hell got me getting into being a YouTube liaison?"

"Fast cars? Amazing wines? Lovely women?" I asked, teasing him.

"Yeah, my wife would beg to differ on any of those." he said shortly. "There is nothing sexy about all the paperwork I end up being surrounded by."

I shrugged. "Fair enough. I'll get that new outline to you by Wednesday evening. I'll be home all day working anyway."

Mike laughed. "Seriously Mark, you have no concept of dates at all do you?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, incredibly confused.

"Wednesday is July 4th," said a voice from the doorway. I turned around to see a very annoyed looking fiancé, glaring at me with a "please tell me that you didn't forget that we had plans" type of look on his face.

"Ah, the Irish Bloodhound has arrived, and he sounds angry," Mike said laughing again. "Good luck with that!"

With another laugh and a click, Mike hung up the phone. I glanced back over to Jack and smiled meekly, but his bright blue eyes narrowed even more.

"For the record," I said, "I have a really bad memory and you knew this before we ever started dating."

He sighed and walked over to me. "We have had plans to go out on July 4th for the past month, Mark."

I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him onto my lap. "I'm sorry that I forgot," I said, kissing his neck. "How can I make it up to you?"

"I'll figure out something," he said, his face breaking into an evil grin. "Anyway I came in to tell you that Robin said that he's ok with the fly over dates for the Holiday Livestream."

"Awesome," I said, giving him another kiss on the neck. "Any word from Felix yet?"

"Of course not," Jack said, laughing a bit. "He won't get back about that until the last minute. You know that's how he is."

I sighed deeply as he got up from my lap and walked over to the other chair. "Need any help with anything? I'm done posting videos for the day already."

"No, pretty much done myself. What would you like to now?"

"How about roller skating?"

I glared at him.

"Just kidding," he said laughing. "I can make us some lunch and then how about a movie in the living room?"

"That's fine," I said stretching and getting up, "but you know that every time we relax on the couch to watch a movie you end up falling asleep."

"It's not my fault that you're so warm and comfortable to lay on," he said innocently, getting up as well and hugging me tightly. "So, what would you like for lunch?"

"I'm fine with whatever you make," I said, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"That doesn't help me at all with what to cook, you know," he said, looking slightly annoyed.

"I'm aware of that," I said, grinning. "Whatever you make I will happily eat."


We laid in our usual couch napping positions as the movie played on the large living room television. Jack was snoring softly, his head and shoulders on my chest and left arm dangling limply off the side of the couch. I kissed him gently on the top of the head.

Well, at least he made it halfway through the movie this time.

I heard my phone buzzing with an incoming call and reached over towards the coffee table. This was a challenge with the added weight of him on me, and as I lifted myself and him to get my phone, he grunted sleepily and wrapped his arms around me tightly from the sudden movement.

I was able to reach the phone and grabbing it settled back into the couch, and checked the caller ID. It was Felix.

"Hey Fe," I said quietly, as Jack began snoring louder.

"Jesus, is that Jack?" he asked. "It's the middle of the day over there, isn't it? Whatever happened to the "sleep is for the weak" thing?"

I laughed. "You just have amazing timing for your phone calls is all."

"Must be that, yeah," he responded sarcastically. "Anyway just letting you know that I am able to make your Holiday Charity Livestream."

"Wow, you're letting me know ahead of time?" I said surprised.

"Don't get too used to that," he said, a small chuckle in his voice. "I got a call from Mike about an hour ago pretty much threatening to fly over here if I didn't give you a yes or no by the end of the week."

Every once in a while, I love Mike.

"Well, thanks for letting me know," I said, moving slightly up on the couch. Jack grunted and snuggled his face into the crook of my neck.

"Sounds like you're busy," Felix said, a definite smirk in his tone. "I'll let you go. Copy me on that outline you're emailing to Mike, would you?"

"Sure, man. No problem."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I placed it back on the coffee table and glanced back at the tv screen, having no idea what was going on in the movie now.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around Jack, his warm breaths landing gently on the side of my cheek and chin.

"I love you," I whispered, kissing his forehead.

"Yes, I'd love another mountain of ice cream, Your Majesty," he mumbled back.

I laughed. "Your dreams must be amazing, babe."

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