The Happy Couple 🍋

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-Mark's POV-

I hear loud music coming from downstairs, the bass so loud that I can feel the floor vibrating underneath my bare feet.

Oh please don't tell me that's techno music.

I finished pulling on a pair of black jeans and wincing went back over to the bed and picked up the bright red shirt that Jack had made for me.

Covered with Markiplier logos and in the middle, a picture of me smiling goofily for the camera. I'm still trying to figure out where in the world he was able to dig this picture up from. I don't remember taking it at all. Under the picture in huge black letters the words "Birthday Boy!"

I groaned, but knowing that it would make my new fiancé happy, I put the shirt on and walked downstairs.

The dining room looked amazing and was covered with different types of food and drinks. He had everything from pasta dishes to sandwiches to a huge plate of fried chicken. On a side table there were alcoholic drinks and next to that table there was a smaller table labeled:

For those who medically can not hold their liquor: This means you Mark!

I laughed at the sign, and saw sodas, sparkling grape juice and water sitting there. With a sudden wave of bass thumping I turned into the kitchen to see Jack.

He was wearing dark blue jeans and a dark blue t-shirt and was bobbing his head to the music as he continued cooking. He had no clue that I was watching his dance moves. When the music hit a particularly good beat he began to sway his hips back and forth to the rhythm. I was very much enjoying the view.

He swiveled around and jumped when he saw me, and quickly turned in as red as my birthday shirt.

"Do I want to know how long you have been standing there?" He said, his embarrassment completely adorable.

"Long enough to get really good blackmail material," I said with a wink.

He chuckled , and rolling his eyes turned of the music.There's no video of it, so I'll just deny that it ever happened."

"Who says that there was no video?" I asked slyly.

His eyes widened slightly, and I laughed.

"Oh very very funny, he said walking over to me and giving me a hug and kiss. His necklace and wedding band sparkled on his chest and I smiled.

"It really does look beautiful on you," I said, looking into his eyes.

"Yours looks lovely on you too " he said, picking up the ring portion of my necklace and turning it slowly. "Just wait until we have them on our fingers."

My smiled and leaning into him, our lips crashed together. The kisses felt different now since I asked him to marry me. They felt warmer and more passionate. Almost like kissing the other part of my soul. I felt completely in a love haze with him there, and heat was rising from my chest and loins. I needed him, but...

"We have a bit of time before people start to arrive," he said breathlessly. "If you want know."

He could always read my mind.

I smiled and grabbed his ass and gave it a tight squeeze, and he giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I walked holding him as quickly as I could to the living room couch and placing him gently down, pulled off his t shirt as he unbuttoned my pants. I hovered over him and pulled off his shirt, and once his face came back into view I kissed him deeply. His moans were heavenly in my ears, and he grabbed my length in his delicate fingers. I was already so hard but the added strokes intensified every touch he gave to my skin.

"Oh god Jack." I whimpered as he continued to slide his hands back and forth. His face flushed pink and blue eyes heavily lidded as he leaned into my hand as I rubbed his cheeks and jawline.

I clumsily started to unzip his pants and he moaned as I finally freed his member, and leaned down to begin to pleasure him with my mouth.

I heard him take a deep shuttering breath as I began, my lips and tongue working quickly to get him ready as fast as I could. I wanted him so badly that it felt ok to be slightly impatient, and the words he was saying gave me more encouragement.

"Mmmm...ahhh...make me cum. Do whatever you want to make me cum." He growled, his hands gripping the back of my head and pulling my hair.

I grabbed both sides of his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers and after taking both sets of our pants off he pulled me back into his pale and beautiful naked body. We slid together for a few moments, our chests and groins rubbing against each other. Our rings tapped together a few times and the light noise of metal on metal felt like home in my heart.

He opened his legs and I moved my mouth to his entrance and began to lick his area softly. His body shook and he moaned very loud as I hummed inside of him, and I hear him babbling at this point. My pelvis was aching at his words.

"F...fuck, mmmm. Mo chuisle mo chroí. Gonna cum. Ohhhhhh....can't hold..."

I felt his entrance tighten up and he began to tense up, his leg muscles vibrating so hard that I had to hold him down. I mentally rode his climax and felt warmth hit my hands and his rosy stomach.

He raised his head and looked at me stunned. "You got me..." he said between short winded breaths, "I haven't spoken proper fucking Gaelic in years!"

"Oh," I says, crawling back over him as I entered him and began to thrust. "Was that what that was?"

He nodded, and his eyes rolled back again as he took in my full length. "Scratch my back, baby," I whispered, and he reached up, dragging his short nails up and down my back.

"Oh...that feel so...good," I panted, my pace quickening some.

He pulled me down for another deep kiss, and between watching him climax and the faster pace I could feel myself getting close faster than usual.

"Sean," I said bucking into him as hard as I could. "I'm really close."

"Me too," he said, his face positively glowing now. I think that I'm gonna cum...again..."

His eyes tightly shut and I felt him tighten around me, a fresh wave of warm climax hitting both of our torsos. With one final push I was followed him and was cumming too, my body shaking as I held onto his shoulders and kissed the side of his face.

I felt him go slightly limp in my arms as he opened up his eyes again, looking at me and caressing my face and neck.

"What did you mean when -" I began to ask, but stopped to take some more deep breaths.

"My pulse of my heart is the the closest translation to English, I think."

"Is that a thing that we have now?" I asked, finally catching my breath. "Fucking in different languages?"

He giggled and shrugged. "I'm not complaining about it."

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