The Friendship Repaired

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-Mark's POV-

"You really expect me to sleep in the bed that Tyler fucked Ethan in?" Felix asked, as I pushed his monster of a suitcase into the guest bedroom.

"Firstly, we cleaned the sheets," I began, slightly startled, "and secondly that how in the hell did you know that -"

"Ethan told me, of course," Felix said, looking smug. "Mark, he couldn't keep a secret about your sex life. Why in the world do you think that he can keep a secret about his own sex life?"

He did have a valid point.

"I am impressed about them breaking the bed frame," he continued. "I could only dream to do that with Marzia."

I shrugged. "Just make it a New Years resolution."

Felix smiled, and raised the beer bottle he was holding in his hand. "To screwing your mate so hard that you break furniture."

I laughed loudly as Jack came to join us in the room. "Glad to see you two laughing again," he said happily.

Jack's face looked a bit better, but still definitely bruised. He said that by the next day he would be able to tell if it would be noticeable by the Livestream. Mike had texted about 20 minutes ago that he had gotten Robin from the airport and had dropped him off at the hotel. Bob and Wade had left about an hour ago and texted when they were settled in at the hotel themselves.

"So, we crashing for the night?" Felix asked, walking over to his giant suitcase. "I'm sure you two have plans." He winked at Jack, who blushed.

"No, actually Fe," I said, smiling at Jack blushing. "I wanted to see if you were up to watching a movie with me. There is a really cheesy Kung fu movie I wanted to check out, and I would love to see it all the way through. Jack always ends up falling asleep when we watch movies at home."

"Hey," Jack said, looking slightly offended as Felix laughed. "I don't always fall asleep."

I leaned over to him and kissed him on the forehead. "Yes you do, Bright Eyes."

I looked back over to Felix. "So, what do you think? Just you and me for a movie night?"

Felix smiled happily. "Sure, it's a date," he said, giggling at the nasty glare that Jack was giving to the both of us.


"Oh my god," Felix said, roaring with laughter. "This movie is just terrible!"

I laughed too, and handed him the large bowl of popcorn. "It's amazingly bad!"

I had forgotten how much fun it was to hang out with Felix. Sure he was loud and obnoxious at times, but he was also able to be so sweet and supportive. And always, even when I wanted to punch his pretty boy face, incredibly funny.

"Ten bucks that the ninjas start to fight in slow motion!" he said, pulling out his wallet.

"You're on," I replied back.

Within a couple of minutes a chubby ninja jumped in the air and a did a slow motion flip. Felix cheered and I, cursing loudly, threw two five dollar bills towards his side of the couch.

He winked and tucked the money in his back pocket.

"You'd think your Japanese spidey-sense would be able to help you during these bets," he said, laughing again.

"I'm half Korean, not Japanese," I snapped back, chuckling madly.

"Fine then, your Korean spidey-sense then," he says, shrugging.

"Oh, fuck you Felix!"

"That's not my job, the future Mr. McLoughlin," he said, winking again.

I threw a few pieces of popcorn at him, but completely missed him.

After the movie we stayed on the couch and continued to talk. Felix actually seemed really interested in the wedding now that he felt like we really did want him to be a best man.

"The rings look really nice on you too," he said.

"Thanks," I replied. "I really can never say thank you enough the you and Marzia."

He waved his hand away, his cheeks slightly pink. "You and that damn sweet stuff."

"But I mean it," I said moving a bit closer, enjoying his blushing. "You really made our rings incredibly special."

"Seriously, Mark," he said, his face turning red. "You're welcome. Now stop with all the mushiness."

"And you know what?" I said, not listening to him at all. "Both Jack and I..."

"Don't you dare say it."


"Mark, I swear to god, if you say what I think you are going to say, fuck Mike and the Charity Livestream...I'll punch you properly this time!"

Within a moment I was over on his side of the couch and giving him a huge hug. He screamed as if I was burning him alive.


He groaned loudly at the words, and began his best to twist and turn out of the hug. It wasn't happening though. I already had my arms firmly around him.

"Just give in," I said laughing. "Give into the love of Markimoo and Jackaroony!!"

"Never!" He yelled back, his feet kicking at this point. "The Septiplier Love will not infect me like it has all the others!"

We looked at each other, and burst out laughing. "Septiplier Love? Really?"

"Leave me alone!" he shouted. "I panic when being hugged."

I let go of him and sat back down next to him as we both continued to laugh until our sides ached. I glanced at the clock. It was after 3am.

"We both better get to bed," I said, getting off of the couch and stretching. "See you in the morning Fe. If you want breakfast Jack or I usually cooks around 9:30am.

Felix nodded, yawned deeply and got up as well. He took a couple of steps towards me and gave me a hug. "Goodnight bro, and thank you."

"For what?" I asked when he pulled out of the hug.

"I don't know," he answered. "Just felt like the right thing to say."

I smiled and nodded. "Well, you're welcome. Have a good night, ok?"

He smiled and began to walk out of the room. He turned around again and looked at me.

"And Mark?"

"What's up, Fe?"

"I love you guys too."

And with those last words I heard his feet as he walked through the kitchen and dining room, and up the stairs.

I smiled softly, and after turning off the television, I went up to bed as well.

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