The Last Stop

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-Mark's POV-

"Where to next, Fe?" I asked brightly as all four of us got closer to the car.

Felix just chuckled, and turning around to look at me properly, said "Don't you worry your pretty little head where we are heading. You'll find out soon enough."

He then shot a look at Jack. "And you've been to this place with me already, Potato Boy, so dont spoil it this time."

Jack rolled his eyes.

Felix pressed a button on the car to unlock the doors and motioned Robin towards the front side passenger door. "Let's have the lovely couple have the back seat," he said with a wink. "Just don't have too much fun back there. This car is a rental."


The drive was a long one, and I felt my stomach starting to grumble.

"Hey, warden," I said from the backseat, "you think we prisoners can get a food break soon?"

"Don't worry," Felix replied, his eyes still on the road. "The last stop includes food."

Jack was happily pointing out different areas of interests as we rode along, and giving me a bit of history on Brighton. Considering that he hadn't been here very long, his knowledge was fairly impressive.  His hand was intertwined with mine, and every so often we would catch each other's eye and he would squeeze my hand gently.

Felix finally made a turn and we ended up near a large white building with lots of people around the entrance area.

"We are finally here," said Felix as he parked the car. "Welcome to the clothing optional part of the day!"

Proud Cabaret Brighton was displayed in large bright lights over the entrance way, and Jack laughed loudly. "Oh dear god, Fe," he said, taking a quick glance at me. "I don't think Mark's heart can handle this type of entertainment."

"What kind of den of sin have I been taken to?" I asked, happily curious.

"This is a dinner with and burlesque show," said Felix with a delighted grin. "You boys are still ok with seeing lady parts, I assume?"


The show was amazing, as was the food. The dancers wore amazing and sexy costumes and juggled fire and flipped all over the stage. Even Robin cheered a few different times at all of the visuals. Above the tables there was even a tight rope walker who gave Felix a wink as she passed over our table.

Jack was taking tons of pictures of all of the performers, and kept giving me smiles as the night continued. He even startled Felix by walking over to his side of the table and giving him a giant hug.

Felix ruffled his hair as he leaned into the hug, and then gave him a playful push back over to me. "Save that mushy stuff for your boyfriend, Potato Head!"

He nevertheless looked quite happy about the hug.


The moon was out by the time we left the dinner theater, and all four of us piled into Felix's car as we headed back to the go-kart place to drop off Robin to his car. Felix and Robin were up front talking with each other rapidly in Swedish.

Jack and I sat in the back, with him leaning against me and holding hands. I would every so often would turn my head and kiss him on the forehead. He closed his eyes and nuzzled on my shoulder, and soon I felt the familiar heaviness of him falling asleep. The soft snores came soon after.

Robin hopped out the car, and after turning to realize that Jack was sleeping soundly whispered to me a good night, and headed towards his car. Felix gave a quick wave, and we were back on the road to Jack's house.

"Tambourines are fun to play," Jack muttered. "Can I have a tambourine?"

"What the hell is Jack talking about?" Felix asked, glancing in the rear view mirror at me.

"Just ignore him Fe," I said, giving Jack another kiss on the forehead. "Jack's just talking in his sleep. He does it sometimes."

"Oh, really?" said Felix, chuckling to himself. "I used to have a cousin who would talk in his sleep. Would ask him all sorts of things, and he would always answer honestly."

Uh oh.

"Hey Jack," he said, "Whose louder in bed? You or Mark?"

"Felix, what the fuck?" I said, glaring at him.

"I am," mumbled Jack, between snores.

Felix could barely contain his laughter now, snickering like a hyena. "Well, no real surprise there."

"Felix," I said, "Seriously, not cool."

"Ok, ok," Felix said, still chuckling, "I'll stop. By the way, you and I need to get together about that -"

"Yes, of course," I said quickly, cutting him off just in case Jack could somehow overhear us. "I'll get with you early next week."

"You going to still try to talk to his folks?" Felix asked, suddenly more serious. "He told me about it when I came over this morning."

I nodded stiffly, and said "Yes, I'm really going to try."

Felix sighed deeply. "Seriously Mark, I don't get you sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

"You worry so much about what people think about you," he said directly.

"Just because some of us have a filter, Felix -"

"Not talking about a filter, man," Felix said sharply. "Not to say you need one of those either. You have millions of fans, bro. You obviously know how the hell to talk to people, put them at ease. Treat them like they are your friends. Just treat his family like you treat your fans and they will love you."

I sat there, and just looked at him stunned.

"All kidding and bullshitting aside," he continued, "Just go to them, and be yourself. Stop being worried about them hating you. Confidence and love is all you need to turn them around."

I felt my eyes getting wetter, and sniffed loudly at all of Felix's words.

"You both deserve to be happy, and even if they still decide that they don't like you, which I doubt will happen, then that's their fucking loss."

With a last turn of the car to the right, we were on the street where Jack's house was. After pulling into the driveway, I rubbed Jack's shoulder and saw his eyes open slowly.

He looked at me, and then around, somewhat confused.

"Where are we?" he asked sleepily.

We just got back to the house. You've been out like a light for about the half hour or so.

"Sorry", he said with a yawn. "I must have been more tired than I realized."

"It was nice and quiet for a change," said Felix, turning around with a smile.

"Oh, fuck off Felix," Jack said with another yawn.

We both got out of the car, and after thanking Felix for a great day out, headed inside. After showering and brushing my teeth, I nuzzled next to Jack in bed. He was already asleep and mumbling about go karts.

Robin was right. I need to use my heart, and not overthink things. And my heart was telling me exactly what I needed to do.

And Felix was right. I have the ability to put people at ease. I always have. If I could just talk to his family, and let them know that our relationship was a good one, then maybe I could convinced them to give their blessing.

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