The Double Date

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-Mark's POV-

"Yeap," I said, getting up off of the guest bedroom floor after looking under the bed. "They did actually break the bed frame."

Jack shook his head and sighed.

"It's a pretty easy fix," I said, shrugging. "I'm almost...impressed. That bed frame was really sturdy."

Jack chuckled and reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. "It's Ethan," he said, glancing at the screen. "How is Saturday night at 8:00pm for the double date?"

"That's fine," I said after thinking about it for a moment. "Where are we heading?"

Jack typed back a text, and after a moment got a response.

"He said it's a surprise, but he gave the address." he said. his face looking amused, "Said to not worry about the cost or anything. Tyler is insisting on paying for everyone."

I walked over to Jack and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "We seem to be getting involved with a lot of people who like taking us places without knowing where we are going. First a "Day With Felix" and now this."

Jack smiled, nuzzling my neck. "At least we aren't blindfolded and bound in the back of a van this time."

"You sound a bit disappointed," I replied back to him with a wink. "If you're into that type of thing, I can make a few phone calls, Bright Eyes."

I probably deserved the punch in the arm that I got from him.


"A roller skating rink?" I said with a slight frown.

"What?" Jack said, looking way too excited for where we were. "I used to go to roller rinks all the time when I lived in Ireland with my family. This is going to be so much fun!"

"I don't find pulled groin muscles much fun," I replied, as we pulled into a parking space.

Jack looked over at me, his blue eyes twinkling. "Aww, does someone not know how to roller skate?"

"No!" I said much louder and more defensively than I mean to sound. "I can roller skate very well. As long as your definition of "very well" means that I crash and fall every few seconds."

Jack took a hold of my right hand with his left and squeezed it tightly. "I can teach you how to stay upright. Or worse case at least fall down with you so you aren't embarrassed alone."

"This is going to be a very painful night for my for both my crotch, and my pride."

Jack opened his mouth to speak.

"And if you make a 'that's what she said' joke out of my last sentence, I will stay in this car for the rest of the night."

He closed his mouth, and grumbling slightly, we both headed inside.

Walking inside I felt the need to apologize to both my ears and my eyes. The music was incredible loud and there was bright lights flashing everywhere. Jack took a hold my hand and pulled me towards a large table full of different sizes of roller skates. The woman at the counter looked even less excited to be there than I did, and after getting our shoe sizes gave both of us pair of roller skates.

As we were putting on the skates I heard my name over the loud music, and walking over to us were Tyler and Ethan. Tyler, as always, looked cool and relaxed. Ethan was as bouncy as Jack was, and after giving us all hugs Tyler gave me some money for the skate rentals and then all of us skated over towards the rink.

Well, the three of them skated over to the rink. I took two small steps and fell backwards onto my ass. Jack skated back over and helped me up, and I must admit that he was trying fairly hard not to directly chuckle at me. Tyler and Ethan showed no such consideration, and were laughing so much that both of them were on the verge of falling over themselves.

"I hate this," was the majority of my conversation in the skating rink. Mostly this was said to Jack, who in spite of my grumpy attitude, seemed to be having a wonderful time.

"How's your groin?" he asked me giggling, as he helped me onto my wobbly legs for the seemingly hundredth time.

"Be happy that I asked you to marry me before this double date," I growled back.

Seeming to think that it was a good time to take a break, Jack helped me out of the rink and we sat down at a small booth in the café area. Tyler had started a food tab, so Jack and I ordered burgers and fries. As annoyed as I was, it was nice getting out of the house for a date. Jack and I were such homebodies already by that very nature of YouTube, so getting out was a nice change of pace.

As we ate we watched Tyler and Ethan still roller skating. I had known Tyler since we were kids, but I had never seen him this happy. His and Ethan were skating hand in hand, Ethan slightly less sure of his footing, but on the couple of occasions that it looked like he was going to take a fall, Tyler wrapped his long arms around his waist or shoulders and caught him before he fell down too far.

Ethan even gave him a kiss on the cheek the second time he caught him, which seemed to take Tyler by surprise, but he definitely appreciated the thank you.

"They're just adorable, aren't they?" Jack asked, looking over at them too. I chuckled and wiped the bit of ketchup off the corner of his mouth as he stuffed another handful of fries in his mouth.

"Yes they are, Bright Eyes," I said, "And so are you."

He blushed back at me, and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips slid back and forth for a moment, and I could feel the seat beside me move slightly. Opening my eyes I saw Jack's basket of fries being moved by a large slender hand, and pulled out of the kiss.

"Are you really stealing our food, Tyler?"

Tyler shrugged and picked up a few fries to eat. "You were busy. Fries were getting cold."

Ethan sat down next to Tyler with a soda in each hand. "Hey guys, you having a fun time?"

"Yes, we are," said Jack speaking loudly before I could grumble. "This has been great. How are you two doing?"

"This has been great!" Ethan said, almost shaking with excitement. 

"Yeah, it's cool," Tyler said, eating a few more of our fries. 

I gave Tyler an annoyed look as I grabbed our fries back from him and placed them in front of Jack again. Jack giggled a bit.

"Now it's that time for the Couple's Skate!" we heard over the announcement. "So grab your partner and let's skate!"

It was hard to tell who looked the more excited about this announcement, Ethan or Jack. Tyler gave a short shrug and allowed himself to be pulled out of the booth and back towards the crowd of couples by Ethan. Jack looked at me expectantly, but his lips fell into a slight frown at the look on my face. 

"Oh, please don't give me that look," I groaned, as Jack large blue eyes blinked slowly at me as he bit his bottom lip. "You know that I cave when you look at me like...fine, let's go." I grumbled, and his smile was back in full force as he grabbed my hand and I prepared to hit the rink floor both literally and figuratively , once again. 

The music started and we began to skate around the rink. At least now I was able to take more than a few steps without crashing, which Jack took to be a really positive thing. I tried my best to smile, but my mind was back in a less crazy world where people didn't have wheels connected to their feet. 

"That was without a doubt the longest five minutes of my life," I said groaning as we left the skating rink and sat down. Jack sat down next to me and gave me a short kiss on the cheek. 

"I think that you are getting a lot better," he said brightly. "You only almost killed yourself three times. That's four times less than before."

"Your positivity astounds me, babe," I muttered back as he rubbed my aching back. 

Jack and I spent the rest of the evening on the sidelines, much to my relief. Tyler and Ethan thanks us for joining them and I have never been so happy to leave a place as I was when we left to head home. 

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