The Reason Why

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-Jack's POV-

Why the hell am I trying to look nice? This isn't a fucking date!

I squinted in the bathroom mirror, and wanted to kick something. My reflection looked back, hair neatly combed and wearing a bright blue shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.

No, wear something else. She'll think that you are trying to look nice just to impress her.

I pulled off the shirt and went back into the closet. I'd find something more casual and thrown on. Like putting on clothes to meet up was just an afterthought.

I put on a faded black hoodie and changed my blue jeans into a slightly worn pair of grey cargo pants. Walking back to the mirror I groaned.

Now I look like a hipster hobo.

I groaned again and walked out of the bathroom and angrily plopped on the bed. Looking at the time it was 12:30pm. I needed to figure out what I was wearing soon, or I would be late.

"You look really stressed out," I heard a voice come from the doorway. Looking up, there was Mark, leaning casually on the door frame. He was wearing his Markiplier pajama pants and holding a large mug of coffee. His glasses on top of his mess of dark wavy hair, and a slight frown on his lips.

"I'm fine," I said, very well aware that didn't sound at all believable.

"You're a horrible liar, Bright Eyes," he replied back, heading over and sitting down next to me.

He placed the coffee mug on the end table and put his warm arms around me. I inhaled the smell of his shampoo and felt a little better.

"I really don't get why I'm so nervous, Mark. I'm over her and yet I have changed my clothes more than five times."

"Because part of you still cares about her. You were in a long relationship with her. There's nothing wrong with that. You care what she thinks of you."

I sighed, and crawled on his lap for a closer snuggle. My fingers drawing lines on his bare chest and shoulders.

"So, is this the look you decided to go with?" he asked, pulling gently at my hoodie.

"No, probably not," I said softly.

"Oh good," he said sounding relived. "You kind of look like a hipster hobo."

I laughed, and pulled him in for kiss.


I tugged at my beanie again, trying to make sure that most of hair was underneath it. Even with all of the changing clothes, and the taxi ride I made it to Small Batch Coffee fifteen minutes early. The day was fairly nice, and I already had grabbed a cup of my favorite brew while I waited. It had been a while since I had been here, and I knew a large part of the reason was that Small Batch was "our spot" and it was painful to come here after the break up.

I reached for my phone and read the last text message from Mark again.

Mark: With all of the craziness from yesterday I completely forgot to give you your anniversary present. It's here for you when you return. Love you.

I checked some emails and went on Twitter. There were tons of #septiplier all over the place, and the small kiss that Mark and I had done during the livestream had gone viral. We had lost some viewers, but not a huge amount which was great.


I looked up from my phone and Signe was there, already holding a large cup of coffee. She had cut her dark brown hair, and was wearing a long yellow dress with red roses. I had never seen that dress before, but it fit her form perfectly. She looked beautiful, despite me wanting, almost hoping that she would look disheveled or stressed.

"Hey," I said, slightly high pitched, and put my phone down to stand up. She smiled warmly and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, slightly wary, and then we both sat down.

"You look great," she said brightly, her blue eyes looking over me.

"Thanks," I said, trying to sound casual. "So do you."

She sat down across from me and placed her coffee on the table. We looked at each other for long moment before she spoke.

"I want to thank you again for meeting with me," she said quietly as she took another sip of her coffee.

I nodded. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

She pushed the hair out of her eyes, and smiled again. "I wanted to tell you in person that I was sorry for how I left things between us. I was unhappy, Sean. Just really unhappy and I wasn't sure why. I decided that the best thing to do was just get away from everything, and everyone to figure out what was wrong."

I felt the now sadly familiar lurch of my heart. "I don't understand. You just wanted time away?"

She nodded slowly, her eyes looking into mine.

"You could have just...just told me that." I said, almost bemused. "I would have given you space."

She sighed deeply. "I realize that now. I really messed up. Not only our relationship but also with my parents, my sister. I'm only now really understanding what was wrong, and it was never you."

I felt my mind race trying to figure out what to say next. All these months, I had thought that I had been a horrible boyfriend. Had soul searched to find out what I had done to make her leave the way that she did, and here she was, telling me that I had been in so much pain over...nothing.

"You look really upset with me," she said, looking away from me and down at her coffee.

"I just...I just don't know how to react to all of this Signe. You have no idea what I went through after you left."

"You're right," she said, lifting her hand to touch mine, but then changing her mind, withdrew her hand back. "I don't know what you have been through. Your first text messages and voicemails to me were so...raw."

She brought her slender hand to her face and wiped away tears. "They made me cry,but I couldn't text you back. Or call you back. I ended up just getting a new phone number instead of dealing with it."

"It?" I asked bitterly. "Is that what you are calling our relationship now?"

Her eyes widened in alarm, as if she realized what she had said. "I...I didn't mean it like that."

"Was there anything else that you wanted to tell me?" I asked, feeling how dismissive this question moved past my lips. I was getting angry again, and needed to go. I needed time to take all of this in and process it.

"No," she said quietly, seeming to grasp my tone to wrap things up. "I did see some of the livestream. You and Mark look very happy."

I said nothing, but wished that she wouldn't talk about Mark. It felt too invasive.

"The number that I called you from is my new number," she said, noticing my silence and thankfully changing the subject. "If you ever want to talk, or perhaps work on being friends, I would like that so much."

"Ok," I said, feeling the need to say something.

She got up out of her seat and so did I. She paused for a moment, and seemed to want me to say something, but I had no idea what it could be.

"Thank you for letting me know what happened," I said. "It has helped,"

"I'm sorry it took so long to tell you," she said, picking up her purse and coffee. She paused again, and said the next words quickly, as if she was forcing herself to say them before her nerve was gone.

"Please tell Mark to not make the same mistakes that I did. Please tell him that he is very lucky to have you in his life."

She turned around and walked away quickly, not giving me enough time to respond. I watched her lovely yellow dress flutter behind her as she hurried down the street, and then making a left down a side street, she was gone.

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