The Baking Lesson

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-Mark's POV-

I groaned as I walked out of the house for my daily run. Having Jack here was wonderful for my heart and my sex life, but the amount of delicious food he cooked was destroying my diet. A breakfast of strawberry and banana pancakes along with a lunch of cheeseburgers and curly fries were piled into my stomach, almost daring me to not sit down and take a nap.

I closed the door behind me, my new tennis shoes squeaking a bit on the ground as I locked the door and placed the keys in my jogging pants pocket. I took a moment to stretch and yawn before jogging in place, ready to at least run a few miles. Taking a deep breath I started running, and turning a quick corner towards the driveway I slammed into a tall and toned figure before falling to the ground.

I looked up, slightly dazed, to see Tyler standing in the driveway. In his left arm he was carrying a large paper bag from a grocery store. His face, as always, not registering any emotion but serene coolness and swagger that I would never be able to match, even with a full hipster brain transplant.

"Tyler?" I said, my surprise in seeing him very evident.

"Hey," he said simply, reaching his free right hand out to help me off of the ground. I dusted myself off and thanked him.

"You didn't read my texts, did you?"

I vaguely remembered hearing my phone go off a few times earlier in the afternoon, but I only half glanced at my phone during lunch. There were cheeseburgers to eat. A man has to have priorities.

"No, I guess I didn't," I said, somewhat embarrassed. "Were you coming to hang out?" I asked, looking at the grocery bag. "I'm taking a quick run but I should be back in an hour or so."

"No. I'm here to see Jack," he said, looking suddenly nervous. "He here?"

"Jack?" I asked, slightly confused. "Yes, he's inside. Probably making something else fattening for me to have to run off for tonight."

"Cool," he said, adjusting the large bag as he started walking again. "See ya later."

He turned and continued up the walkway, and me, feeling still a bit confused, started my jog.

-Jack's POV-

There was a knock on the door and I zipped from the kitchen to the living room and opened up saw Tyler. In his arms was a large paper bag full of groceries.

"Hey Ty," I said smiling. "If you're here to see Mark, you just missed him."

"No, I'm here to see you," he said walking in and heading towards the kitchen.

"See me?" I asked, taken aback.

I followed his long strides to the kitchen where he placed the grocery bag on the counter.

"So, what's up?" I asked, leaning in the opposite counter as him and the bag.

For the first time since I met him, Tyler looked nervous as he tried to explain what was going on, and his dark blue eyes, which usually demanded direct eyes contact with whoever he was talking to, now were darting to the left and right.

I paused, waiting for him to speak. He seemed to be struggling.

"Is this about Ethan?" I asked, hoping that would prompt him.

Looking grateful for my prompting, he nodded. "I need your help," he said, opening the grocery bag up and beginning to place food items on the table in front of us. There was milk, butter, flour , blueberries and other obvious cooking items.

Tyler rubbed the back of his head and his eyes met mine again.

"I want to make blueberry muffins," he said quickly, "but I don't want to mess them up. You bake a lot. Can you, you me?"

That is one of the sweetest things that I had ever heard. I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Of course I'll help you. That sounds like a wonderful thing to do for Ethan."

His cheeks went slightly pink at my words, and he pulled out a piece of paper with a recipe that he found online. Handing it to me, he waited for me to read it.

"It looks fairly straight forward," I said, placing the recipe on the table next to the supplies. Let's get started."

Tyler followed instructions very well, and though he was nervous by the time Mark got back from his run the house was thick with the smell of blueberries.

"Jack," Mark said as he walked into the kitchen. "Whatever you're cooking in there better not be for me. I can't run anymore today."

I laughed and gave him a kiss and Tyler pulled out the freshly made muffins from the oven.

"They're for Tyler, not us," I said. I leaned over and whispered in Mark's ear. "He's making Ethan made from scratch blueberry muffins. Isn't it romantic?"

Mark chuckled as we both watched Tyler fan the muffins with his large hands to help them cool. "You think everything food related is romantic," he whispered back. "That's why I've gained ten pounds since we started to date."

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said, looking innocent.

Mark raised an eyebrow at me, and I quickly hurried back to Tyler at the stove.

"They look great," Tyler said, his lips forming a small smile. "Thanks a lot."

"Of course," I said, and reaching into a cabinet I grabbed a small basket for him to put the muffins in. Tyler smiled again.

"Let us know how things go, would you?" I asked as he headed out with the basket full of warm muffins.

He nodded, a charming crooked smile curving his lips.

"I forgot to ask," I said as we got out to his car, "is this for a special occasion, or just to be incredibly sweet?"

Tyler blushed again, and shrugged. "Both. Thought when I say I'm in love I should have a gift."

My eyes widened. It amazed me how a person could be so delightfully casual about such strong feelings.  He smiled again, gave me a hug, and then, coolness back in place, he got into his car and drove away.

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