The Better Day

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-Jack's POV-

"It's a pleasure to finally get to meet you, Jack."

I smiled, and nodded my head. "It's nice to meet you too, Barbara."

Mark's therapist leaned forward in her seat and adjusted her glasses. Her lips formed a kind smile as she looked back to Mark.

"I'm sure that you are wondering why I asked Jack to join us today, Mark"

Mark scooted a bit closer to me on the couch, and took a hold of my hand into his. "Yes, I was actually really curious."

Barbara picked up her notepad from the table next to her, and began to take notes as she spoke. "I think that you are ready to try a stress test with your fear of splashing water. You have done incredibly well in our sessions so far, and I believe that you are more than up for finally getting back into that lovely pool of yours."

Mark's dark eyes widened a bit, and I felt his grip on my hand tighten slightly. Barbara glanced from our interlaced fingers and back up to Mark's face. Apparently she had noticed the subtle change as well.

"I think that you are ready," she continued, "and with the help of your new fiance, I know that you will get past this issue."

I looked over at Mark, who at the moment was looking incredibly nervous. I leaned over to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I am happy to help in whatever way I can," I said softly. "Just let me know what I need to do."


"If you aren't ready for this, we can always try again tomorrow," I said calmly.

"No, I'm fine," he replied back, his face still looking unsure.

We were at the edge of the backyard pool. Mark was taking small breaths in and out. His naked chest was shining with beats of sweat, though he kept blaming that on the summer weather, and not his nerves.

I turned to face him, and took a hold of his hands in mine.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

He blinked twice, and then nodded.

I let go of his hands, and then turning around quickly, I jumped into the pool.

I felt the cold water hit me as I sank, and then as soon as I got my barings, I swam back up to the surface to check on Mark.

He was still standing in the same spot at the pool where I had left him. He was breathing in and out but seemed to be ok. I swam over to him.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

He smiled meekly and nodded.

I swam over to the pool staircase and waited for him to walk over. He walked very slowly, but made it into the pool and to my arms. He looked aprehensive, but his face began to relax the longer we stayed.

"You are doing great, Bright Eyes," I said, smiling.

He picked me up into his arms and lift me into a kiss, our eyes closing as our lips slid as one. I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss continued and I felt him rub the small of my back with his warm hands.

"Ready to get out for a while?" I whispered. "I can bake you a cake in celebration."

He laughed loudly, and kissed my lips again. "You just want me to get fat, don't you?"

I giggled and shrugged my shoulders. "It was bound to happen at some point," I said, sighing heavily. "The truth is I have been feeding you so much to fatten you up to cook you and serve you to my family in Ireland."

He looked at me, his eyes widened slightly. "I knew it!" he shouted. "There was no way that your brothers and father got to be giants on just eating haggis!"

I rolled my eyes. "Mark, haggis is Scottish."

"They aren't the same?"

I narrowed my eyes.

"Just kidding with you babe," he said giving me another kiss.

We both laughed and he scooped me up into his arms and, carrying me out of the pool, we both went inside.

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