The Gentle Moment

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-Jack's POV-

"That's fine, but we need to get a date confirmed," I heard him say from his office. I walked in and saw Mark's head down, and writing down something fast on a notepad. He was talking on his cell phone. His brow was furrowed and lips tight.

"No, the charity livestream needs to take priority," he said, tapping his pencil on the desk, "I can deal with all that later." He glanced up and saw me at the door. "Hey, look, I need to go. I'll call you back tomorrow, and we'll figure it out, Mike. Yeah, ok. Bye bye."

He hung up the phone, and trying to look less stressed, smiled and waved me to come in.

"I hope that you just didn't stop that phone call just for me," I said, walking in and taking a seat on his lap.

Mark: No, no, not at all. I'm glad that you came in. How are you? Need anything?

Me: I just missed you. You have been in here for over three hours.

Mark: Oh wow. I'm sorry, Bright Eyes. I didn't realize that. You need the office now for recording, don't you? I'll be out of here in a moment, ok?

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gave him a deep kiss.  His hands traveled up my shirt and rested near the small of my back.

Me: I'm fine with videos. Robin is great when it comes to editing. I'm just bit worried about you. You've seemed so stressed the last few days.

His brown eyes glistened for a moment, then he dropped his gaze to look at some papers on his desk. "Am I that easy to read?" he said, half laughing.

I nodded, and kissed his forehead. "I'm here if you ever want to talk."

He sighed, and taking my hands in his, looked at me again. "It's the holiday charity livestream," he said quickly, "It's coming up later this year, but I have so many obligations that I am worried about it being pushed out."

"You always find the time to help charities, Mark." I said as brightly as I could, "You will do a great job like you always do. As far as needing more time, I am able to help you with anything YouTube related. I'm sure Robin will want to help too. He's been a lifesaver to me with all the videos that I do."

He looked slightly confused.

"Robin," I said quietly, "He knows about us. I told him that we started to date."

He nodded that he understood.

"Jack, you're supposed to be having a vacation of sorts, not doing tons more work just because I'm becoming unorganized."

"It isn't a problem." I said, running my hands through his hair, and smiling at his eyes closing at the head massage. "So, please accept the help?"

He nodded his head slowly, and moaned as I continued to rub his head, and then moved down to his neck and shoulder blades.

"Mmmm," he groaned, "Your hands are wonderful."

"So, think that you can get used to not having deal with everything by yourself?" I asked, shifting in his lap slightly so that our foreheads touched.

He looked up at me, eyes half closed, "Yes, I think I can."

His hands moved up to the nape of my neck, and pushed me down towards his lips. His phone buzzed, and we both glanced over. The name 'Mike R.' appearing on the screen.

"Don't you need to get that?" I asked him slyly, his mouth inches from mine.

"I told him that I would talk tomorrow," he said, his voice silky in my ears, "Besides, right now there is someone much more important in front of me."

Our lips met and we stayed there for a long while, swaying in his office chair, holding each other and kissing. It was surreal to be this happy. To feel this complete in another person's arms.

"I used to think that this type of love was only in cheesy movies," I said, looking into his eyes.

He smiled, and kissed me again. "I can start reciting film quotes, if it will help with the mood."

I giggled happily.

"I'll be back," he said, in a horrible Schwarzenegger voice.

I giggled again, a bit louder.

"Say hello to my little friend!" he said, holding out an imaginary gun like Scarface.

My laughs got louder still.

"You light up every part of who I am," he said, looking at me again, with a smile.

I looked at him, eyebrows raised in confusion. "What movie is that line from?"

"It isn't from a movie," he said, his eyes looking teary, "It's from my heart."

My soul lurched forward at his words, and I knew at that moment, that I was ready.  I kissed his lips, his nose, his cheeks, and any other part of him that I could with fevered desire, then I pulled away from him, my lips slightly trembling, my blue eyes meeting his brown.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking concerned.

"Tonight, please?"

He looked at me, understanding washing over him slowly.

"Are you sure, Bright Eyes?" he asked, his face intently looking at me.

I nodded and leaned down to kiss him one more time.

"Take me to bed, and make love to me."

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