The Familiar Dance 🍋

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-Mark's POV-

I opened the bedroom door quietly and closed it. The room was very dark but I could just make out the small figure of Jack laying down in the bed. I pulled off my jeans and shirt, and crawled into the bed in just my boxer shorts. I heard him grunt slightly as I laid down beside him, and he shifted over towards me, his slender arms wrapping around my waist.

"Have a nice time watching movies?" he asked, his accent always thick and sexy when he was sleepy.

"Yes," I said, reaching my hand back to rub his leg. He was naked tonight. That was always nice.

I flipped over and finding his face kissed him gently. He moaned softly in my mouth.

"What are you still doing up?" I asked, rubbing his chest and firm stomach with my fingertips. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I wanted to wait for you," he said, leaning in for another kiss. His hand moved towards my pelvis, and softly began to stroke my length.

I groaned and ran my fingers through his hair. "Are you sure...that you want to? It's really late, babe."

"I really missed you," he whispered.

"Ok," I said softly, and I felt him pulling at my boxer shorts. I chuckled and pulled them off. "You know that all you have to do is ask, Bright Eyes. Making love to you is always wonderful."

I took a hold of his waist and turned him over onto his stomach. I straddled his slender thighs and began to rub his back and shoulders. He moaned softly into the pillow as he enjoyed the massage.

He lifted his rear into the air and I reached around to grab his member in my right hand. I pumped up and down, his body trembling as he got harder.

"Mark," he groaned, rubbing his cheeks against my shaft. "Please...take me."

I entered him gently and his moans made my heart flutter. He got on all fours as I thrusted from behind. I started to get a good rhythm, his warmth surrounding me so deeply that I could barely breathe. I took my hands and ran them up and down his back as he made soft moans into the pillow. He reached down and began to stroke himself as I built up speed. The smell of passion filled my nostrils and the sound of our bodies meeting echoed in the room.

"Mmmm...f-fuck!" he said shuttering behind gritted teeth. "You good."

"You feel incredible," I replied back, my fingers grabbing hold of his hips tightly as I surged forward into him. His ass felt so firm and curvy as it bounced off of my pelvis.

I reached down and pulled him up so that we were both on our knees now, my right arm holding him up so that he wouldn't fall over, and my left arm against the head board. I kissed the back of his neck and shoulders. I bucked my hips and felt a wave of a small orgasm run through him, his breathing hitched as he stiffened up in my arms.

"Ohhhh," he groaned loudly, and then he grabbed my arm holding him up and placed it over his mouth. He licked my fingers and after they were incredibly wet, he placed my hand on his member, and I began to pump him.

I was getting close, but wanted to give him another climax if I could. I turned him over gently onto his back and began to thrust again, his fingers interlocking with mine.

His licked his lips as I took deeper thrusts, and he groaned loudly. I wanted to hit his prostate as many times as I could. Shuttering, he bit his bottom lip and I felt another small climax leave him. I breathed in as I enjoyed his pleasure pass through him.

"Mark," he sighed as his face relaxed. His saying my name always made my body ache to do more for him. His legs twitched as I squeezed his thighs and ass again as I lingered in the heat of his slender frame.

I looked over his chest and face as I turned him closer to the window. The streetlight outside hit his naked form making his pale skin glow brightly. "You're so beautiful," I said, leaning down to kiss his face and chin. "I will never get over how beautiful you always are."

He smiled at me, his brilliant blue eyes shimmering and his wedding band and necklace sparkling with every short thrust I made into him. I felt my own wedding band hit my chest again and again as it bounced. The thought of us married was quickening my own lust, and my mind drifted off for a while.

I must have slowed down my pace a bit, because I felt his pale fingers touched my face and I opened up my eyes to look down at him.

"I lost you for a moment there," he said. "What were you thinking about?"

"I was just imagining our wedding night," I said softly, resting on my elbows and lifting up his wedding band from his glistening chest.

"You're romantic tonight," he said, his lips curving into a gentle smile.

"I love you," I whispered. "I love you more than anything else in this world, Sean."

"I love you too," he whispered back. His hand curled around to the back of my head, and he pulled me down for another kiss. Our lips and tongues connected, and our bodies began the familar dance of completeness, once again.

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