The Clear Explanation

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-Jack's POV-

"What the hell happened to your face?" Mike said, his light brown eyes looking at the darkening bruise on my cheek.

"It's nothing," I said quickly. "Just a bit of an accident. I'm fine."

Mike's eyes narrowed and softly grabbing me by the arm he directly me away from the dining room area, where Wade and Bob were greeting Felix and Mark happily, and into the kitchen.

He glanced over his shoulder to make sure that no one had followed us before he looked at me again.

"Listen Jack," he said, his face severely worried, "if you and Mark are...having problems, I know of a few places that -"

My brain quickly connected where Mike was heading with this conversation. "No, that's not what happened at all," I said. I hesitated for a moment, but decided that just coming out with the truth, which wasn't great, was better than Mike thinking that Mark was hitting me.

"Mark and Felix got into a fight when we got back from the house from the airport."

Mike's face went pale.

"They made up and everything," I continued quickly, "but I got hit accidentally when I was trying to break it up."

Mike groaned loudly. "I should have known Felix couldn't be trusted to not cause drama."

"Felix didn't actually start the initial -" I began, but Mike was already stomping back out to the living room. A few moments later he came back with Felix and Mark both walking behind him.

Mark looked severely worried and Felix was on the verge of crying again.

"Ok, both of you," Mike said, almost growling as he pointed towards my face. "Explain this."

Felix talked first. "I was my fault. I take full responsibility for Jack's injuries."

All of us stared at Felix's immediate confession. Even Mike looked genuinely confused that he wasn't going to have to cross examine Felix like he was on trial.

"I assumed that it was you, Felix," Mike said, shaking off the admission. "The question is how are all of you going to deal with this? The Charity Livestream is in two days. There is no way that Jack can go on camera with his face looking like that."

"We are making sure that we do everything that we can to get the bruise to heal as quickly as possible," Mark said softly.

Mike groaned. "I'll reach out to a couple of makeup people I know. They may be able to get some makeup to cover up whatever doesn't heal."

Mark and Felix both nodded, looking miserable.

"You two need to get your fucking heads out of your asses," Mike hissed. "Not only could you two have done severe damage to the Charity Livestream event acting like god damned idiots, but you could have really hurt Jack!"

It was hard to watch both of them being lectured. Especially by Mike. Mark's face looked horrified when Mike mentioned the part about really hurting me. It seemed to be physically breaking his heart.

"You're right," said Felix, jumping at the moment of silence between all of us. "If I can just get the hotel information from you Mike I'll head out and after we have all had a chance to cool down -"

"I can't give you hotel information," Mike said quickly. "I only booked Bob, Wade and Robin hotels. Not you."

"What?" I said, shocked. "But why?"

"Because Small Talk made a stipulation about Felix when they found out that Mark invited him to do the event. They are aware of his reputation and only agreed to having him in the event if he was closely watched. So, I said that he would be staying here at Mark's house."

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