The Midnight Snack

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-Mark's POV-


My brain was still buzzing from the day at Disney. It would not stop going over the same images in my head. Replaying them on a loop in the back part of my skull.

The vlog. The rides. The pizza at Rainforest Café. The meeting the two shy fans.

And Jack.

Jack, giggling at me walking so slowly.

Jack, grabbing my arm as we headed from one ride to the next.

Jack, placing my hand on his cheek at one of the gift shops.

Jack, leaning his head on my shoulder as the sky came alive with colorful fire.

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to make sense of what was going on with me. Why was I noticing all of this now?

Or maybe it was always there, but I was too distracted or scared to realize it.

His eyes, his smile, his loud and boisterous voice.

The way his hips curved.

I sat up in my bed quickly. Water. I needed a glass of water. I reached up to my face, feeling warm to the touch.

Nope. Shower. I needed an ice cold shower.

My bare feet hit the floor of my bedroom, and made a soft pitter patter sound as I reached the master bathroom. I turned on the light and looked at myself in the large mirror. My face was bright red around my cheeks. Without my glasses on there was a slight blur, but I absolutely was blushing.

Get a grip on yourself. Fantasies are perfectly natural, and it isn't like you have been dating anyone recently. This is just your body, and your brain, feeling a bit frustrated. Take a cold shower, and if you still feel the urge, that's why porn is around.

"Yeah", I said aloud. "Perfectly natural."

Is it perfectly natural to think of your best friend like that, though? And you haven't had any gay fantasies for a really long time.

Yeap, definitely time for a cold shower.


-Jack's POV-


Maybe I did kind of go crazy with all of the Disney pins.

It was almost midnight, and I was still sorting through all of the bags. Hats, shirts and pins were spread out on the bed with me as I looked at everything again.

What an awesome day.

28 pins though? Yeah, I did go a little overboard.

The bedroom door was cracked open, and listening closely, I thought that I heard water running. Was Mark taking a shower? Seemed late in the evening for that.

"Hey, Chica," I said warmly, when the door opened fully at her nose pushing against it. She walked over to me quickly, and placing her head near my left arm, nuzzled me hard.

"What's the matter, girl?" I said, my eyebrows slightly raised at her.

She whimpered softly, and headed back towards the guest bedroom door. She turned back to me, and then whimpering again, looked again towards the door.

She must want me to follow her.

I moved out of the bed and started walking towards her. He tail wagged happily, and she continued out of the door. Yes, I guessed right. She padded down the hallway, every so often looking back to make sure that I was still with her.

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