The Shared Soul

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-Mark's POV-

"No phone calls missed. The world somehow kept rotating without you." he said, handing me my phone.

I chuckled, and pulling him back onto the bed, gave him a long kiss. "This has been one of the most relaxing mornings I have ever had in my entire life."

"Well, I'm glad that you got some rest," he said happily. "Plus I really enjoyed giving you that massage, too."

I blushed. "Yeah, that was pretty amazing." There was a long pause with us just looking at each other. "Thank you for taking such good care of me, Bright Eyes."

"You mean what we did earlier today? I don't mind us doing new things," he said, taking hold of my hand.

"You don't understand," I said, looking down at our interlaced fingers. I looked back up into his eyes. "I've haven't trusted anyone like that for such a long time. You are...just...."

Words weren't good enough to describe what I was feeling. It was stronger even our passionate sex or our butterfly kisses.

"When I look into your eyes, I see acceptance. That you accept me no matter what others think of me, or even what I think of myself. I'm so glad that you called me that night. It was the start of me realizing that I was falling hopelessly in love with you."

He rubbed at his eyes. "Damn it. You know that saying sweet things like that always makes me cry."

I leaned towards him and we kissed, and as we moved as one I wiped his tears away with my thumbs, whispering gentle phrases that all ended the same way.

I need you.

I want you.

I love you.

I trust you.

I cherish you.

"You're going to make my heart burst," he said, gulping as he tried to stop the tears. "There's lots of better ways to kill me, you know."

I chuckled softly, and I kissed his lips again we laid among the bedsheets. I will happily spend the rest of my life trying to discover every single way to make him smile. To create new ways to hear him giggle and roll his brilliant blue eyes at my silly jokes.

The crying and laughing of the day continued. Hours of saying everything to each other. Hours of saying nothing to each other.

The phone would ring, but we didn't care.

He was right.

The world would still be there when we were ready to face it.

Hand in hand we could face anything.

Our interlaced fingers the only sword and shield that we would ever truly need.

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