The Uncomfortable Discussion

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-Mark's POV-

"So, you two are serious about this?" Wade asked, his dark brown eyes looking from Jack and then to me. "This isn't a practical joke, or anything?"

I shook my head "no", feeling very aware of how warm my face and hands felt.

"Wade," Bob said with exasperation, "I highly doubt that both of them would have flown all the way to Ohio just to screw with us in your kitchen."

Maybe I should have waited until we went to my mom's house tomorrow to have made the announcement. Or at least until Bob had been able to take off his coat after just walking through the door to greet us. I honestly was just trying to get it over with, before the worms in my stomach and chest had a chance to make another great escape.

"So, have you told anyone else yet?" Bob continued, finally removing his coat and sitting down next to Molly at the kitchen table.

I nodded. "Tyler and Ethan both know. And Felix."

Bob threw his arms up. "Really man?  You told fucking Felix before us?"

"Felix finding out before you guys was not part of any plan," I said, quickly looking at Jack to back me up.

Jack nodded in agreement, his ears matching his dark red beanie.

Wade was standing, his weight shifting from one foot to the other, looking like he really wanted to ask a question, but just trying to find the best way to phrase it.

"Whatever you have to say, Wade," Molly said with a sigh, "I would make a point of saying it before you explode over there."

Wade looked startled at being pointed out, but nevertheless spoke up.

"Can I talk to you for a minute, privately," he asked, looking at me.

"If you have something to say," I said, "Just go ahead and say it here. It can't get any more uncomfortable than it already is."

"I just hope this doesn't turn out like the Hunter situation," he said, looking awkward.

I felt my face grow hot again, as Jack looked at Wade, and then me, wide eyed and confused.

"Mark," Jack said, "What's he talking about?"

Wade looked at me stunned, and Bob face fell into a very severe frown.

"You didn't tell him about Hunter?" Bob asked, his arms crossed.

Jack raised his eyebrows, looking throughly baffled.

"Hunter," I said, as I felt my stomach turn, "Was the guy who I experimented with in college."

"They were roommates," continued Wade, looking angry at that omission, "And Mark pretty much broke the poor guy's heart."

Jack's mouth fell opened, almost comically. "You never told me that you had a relationship with -"

"But I didn't," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, "We had a couple of drunken nights together, and after an actual date or two, I realized that it wasn't going to work."

"You should tell him why you made that decision," Wade muttered.

"Oh shut up, Wade," I said, glaring at him.

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