The Time Together

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-Mark's POV-

*buzz buzz*

I opened my eyes slowly, and turned my head to the right. On the small end table my phone's screen was lit up brightly against the inky black surroundings of the cabin. Jack was sound asleep and snoring on my rib cage, his warm breath causing my chest hairs to ripple slightly.

I moved my right hand as slowly as I could to grab my phone, not wanting to wake him. Picking up the phone, I looked to see who in the hell would be texting me at 2:15 in the morning.

Felix: Hey bro. Text me back when you get this.

Of course it would be Felix.

I texted him back, trying my best to stay as still as possible.

Me: Do you have no concept of when normal people sleep?

A moment later he texted back.

Felix: Yeah, but who wants to be fucking normal?

Me: Whatever, you blonde vampire. What's up?

Felix: Is Jack around?

I glanced up and felt Jack stir for a moment, but then he fell back into snores.

Me: Yeah, but he's asleep.

Felix: You two will be back in Brighton the day after tomorrow, right? I need to meet up with you sooner than expected. There was a fuck up.

On instinct I straightened up a bit out of shock at the last text, which caused Jack to groan. He lifted up his head, his unfocused and sleep hazed blue eyes looking at me. I froze looking back at him, not wanting to even breathe.

"Hey," he said, his voice thick with sleep, "We should take the river to get back to camp. Then we can roast marshmallows."

The relief that washed over me was immediate. He was sleep talking again, and was in the middle of a dream by the sounds of it.

I ran my left hand through his hair, and he leaned into my palm, closing his eyes again and snoring loudly as I gently laid his head back down on my chest. I reached back and picked up my phone again.

Felix: Are you still there?

Me: Yeah, but this is really not the best time. Jack is too close to me. Can you head over to get me on Monday? Around lunchtime?

Felix: No prob, bro. Later.


-Jack's POV-

"And then he just talked to them. It was unbelievable. I was there and I barely believe it!"

"That's wonderful. I'm so glad things worked out with your family," Robin said, and gave me another quick hug as I walked him back to his car outside.

"And thanks again for the ride back from the airport," I said.

"Of course," he said, smiling back at me.

I walked back inside the house and saw Mark putting a load of dirty laundry in the washing machine. He paused, looking at the setting dials.

"I'll do that," I said walking up to him. "The temperature settings on this washer are confusing."

"Thanks," he said as he backed away so that I would have more room. "Can you add this to the wash?"

I turned around to watch him take off his black t shirt, the light from the outside window hitting his toned arms and chest.


"You ok there, Bright Eyes?" he asked, a slight smile on his lips as he handed over the shirt.

"You're just too good looking to be believed sometimes," I said, shaking my head slightly as I added his shirt to the wash.

"I can have you wash my pants too," he said, giving me a wink.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the laundry room. He looked slightly startled, but followed along behind me.

"We're taking this to the bedroom, right now, ya tease."

He chuckled. "Lead the way."


My hands traveled up his torso, and I gave him a gentle hug.

He sighed, and kissed my still sweaty forehead as we laid in bed, still naked and basking in afterglow.

"You know I did have things to do today," I said in mock annoyance.

He laughed loudly. "I think that what we just did counts as you 'doing things'."

I rolled my eyes at the horrible sex pun. "Ok, I walked right into that bad joke." I said, kissing the side of his jawline.

"Yes," he said, starting to sit up and stretch, "You really did."

He crawled out from under the covers and sat near the foot of the bed, and pulling up the bottom edge of the covers, located my bare feet, and began to rub them with his warm hands.

I moaned happily. "Oh, that feels so good."

He smiled as he continued. "I had an idea for how to announce our relationship to our viewers," he said.

"What's that?" I asked, my eyes feeling heavy from all of the attention I was receiving today.

"Why don't we just do a live stream?" he asked, his hands now rubbing my calves as well. "We can let the fans know, and answer questions in the chat. I bet that Katherine and Ethan would be able to moderate. We can also ask Robin."

I was only half listening, too busy melting from his amazing massage.

"Ok, Bright Eyes," I said, feeling so happy and hazy, "Whatever you want to do."

He chuckled, and stopping the massage, he leaned in for another hug and kiss. "How about we talk about it later?" he asked, looking at my sleepy face, "I think you could use a nap."

I yawned loudly, but still had enough energy to shake my head "no".

"Need to work on thumbnails for the next videos."

He hovered over me and smiled. His dimples so gorgeously set within his cheeks.

"You need and deserve a nap. I'm sure that between Robin and me we can work on them for you. Get some more rest, ok?"

Perhaps it was way his deep voice lulled me into being even sleepier. Or maybe the massage blended in with the afternoon love making, but my ability to argue was gone. I felt his palm on my cheek, and his face faded from view, and I slipped into pleasant dreams.

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