The Creative Substitution

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-Mark's POV-

I woke up to two talking voices outside my hospital room.

"I only need to talk to him for a few minutes," I heard a muffled voice say.

"And I said no," said Jack's voice, "he is here after a fucking conversation with you, you know."

"That was not my -"

"I know that it isn't your fault," Jack hissed back, "but you should at least respect the level of stress he's under."

"You two should probably just come in here to start punching each other," I called out. "At least you're both in the best place to take care of the injuries afterwards."

Jack opened the door first, looked upset that I was awake, and as he walked in he turned his head to glare at Mike, who entered the room tentatively, looking like he may collapse with all the stress he was under.

"You look horrible, Mike," I said, sitting up in the bed, and putting my glasses on.

He gave a hollow laugh. "You're one to talk. I heard what happened. Are you going to be all right?"

"They are running some tests," Jack chimed in, still glaring at Mike. "In the meantime he isn't supposed to be dealing with any stress, which leaves conversations with you out of the question."

"Mark and I still have business to deal with regarding that sponsor," Mike said, his glare back to Jack just as fierce. He turned back to me. "Would you please tell your Irish Wolfhound of a boyfriend to lay off of me?"

Jack actually looked like he was going to physically attack him for a moment, but seemed to think better of it.

"I will do no such thing," I said, crossing my arms. "He knows what is best for me, and what he says goes until I get out of this hospital."

Both Mike and Jack looked equally stunned at my words, though Jack recovered quicker. "So with that settled," he said, moving in between Mike and me, "I think that you should leave."

Mike's world seemed to crumble at that moment. His mouth moved soundlessly as he tried to say something to keep himself in the room with me. His light brown eyes searching desperately for a way to talk to me, hooked up to a machine or not.

I could see Jack looking at him, his anger fading into pity, and sighing loudly, he threw up his hands in the air and said "Fine, you have five minutes. I'm staying here with you two and if that heart monitor even just beeps a tiny bit differently, you go. Deal?"

Mike nodded his head tightly, and moved over to sit next to me in the chair. Jack moved over to my other side and stood listening quietly.

"I'm sorry you ended up on here," Mike said in a rush, "I called the Head of Marketing to try to change the date. I thought that surely that he would understand the circumstances, with you being in the hospital. He was sympathetic, but he just doesn't want to reschedule."

I ran my fingers through my hair, and sighed. "I'm not able to leave for at least three days while they run tests and monitor my heart, Mike."

He groaned, and put his head in his hands.

"Then I guess I'll just have to go on my own." he said softly. "I'm not having you go against your doctor's orders. And that one," he said, pointing to Jack, "he's fucking fierce to be as little as he is."

Jack seemed to almost growl at this latest comment about him, but I touched his arm and he quieted again.

"I'm sorry," I said, truly feeling bad about the situation. "There is still a chance that we can find other sponsors to contribute."

"I doubt it," Mike said sadly as he stood up from the chair, "but it doesn't hurt to -"

"I'll go to the meeting," Jack said, moving towards Mike.

Both Mike and I looked at him in surprise.

"You're not Mark," said Mike stiffly. "They want Mark in the meeting."

"Well they aren't going to get him," Jack said back gruffly, "so bringing another YouTuber with you is better than nothing, don't you think?"

I turned back to Mike. "He does have a point. Plus Jack's fan base is just as big as mine. He may carry the popularity you need to go into that meeting."

Mike seemed to be struggling internally with this plan. It was clear that he and Jack would never go on a best friend's picnic together, but it was clear that both of us were making solid points about Jack going to the meeting in my place.

"Fine," Mike said, his face contorted in a sour look to Jack. "I'll take you, but please listen to everything I tell you to do, ok?"

Jack nodded his head in agreement, and Mike texted his number to Jack's phone. Then very well aware that his five minutes with me were well over, he said goodbye and left the room.

"That went well," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Speak for yourself," said Jack, giving me a kiss on the lips. "Irish Wolfhound, am I? He's lucky I didn't bite his leg off."

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