Unable to decide now

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The next day at college,

Principal called Pragya to his room.

Principal "I didn't expect something like this will happen." He said sounding serious.

I couldn't guess what was it. All of a sudden on my third day here, the Principal is meeting me. Yes I saw him on the first day as he gave a warm welcome. But why now?

I pondered as he asked me to stay strong and try not to involve in unnecessary things hereafter.

Principal passed a letter to me. I took it being absolutely clueless of what is the letter about.

I read the letter and saw in shock at him.

"Sir....how is this possible?" I asked looking at him.

"It's Prem Mehra's order. I can't do anything Pragya. I know it's not possible in other institutions but here, influence can do anything." He said

"But sir...if this is done then won't it create a bad impression on our college? If he have any grudges towards me, he could have talk to me!" I replied.

"Well, this is the place he can show easily his grudges towards you. It's a silly thing that he is doing. Only time have to teach him a lesson." He said asking me to pass the letter back to him.

"Because of me, your job is lost." I said looking very guilty.

"No Pragya, I was being offered a Principal position at another renowned college. I myself was considering of how to resign from here to work there. Thank god! You made my work easier." He replied looking happy.

He asked me to go back to work now and from tomorrow onwards the new Principal of the college will be Abhishek Prem Mehra.

Walking back to the class I teach, I could only feel how miserable it's going to be.

"Will anyone believe a college dropout to be a college Principal? I know he can fake his qualifications with his influence but the world does know that he is a college dropout! Such a coward he is to use his father as an influence to do what he wants." I scolded him further in my mind.

The whole college now knows the change of Principal was because of me. I couldn't hide my face from anyone who looks at me and talk something to themselves.

"I had to speak that way in the seminar to prove myself I can handle anyone in the crowd. Be it the son of the most influential man or a budding student who wants to learn more, isn't it a orator or speaker's duty to make sure he or she holds the audience and listen to him or her. What wrong did I make that now everyone was looking at me as if I am a culprit?" I felt as I stepped out of the college after my work ended.

Suresh ran behind me and said "Pragya, don't be affected by this. We can handle the new Principal together."

I smiled hearing his words. I don't know how I was going to handle the new Principal, Mr Abhishek Prem Mehra but with Suresh around, I feel safe. I feel I am not alone. This is just the third day of our friendship, and yet he is supportive towards me. Where is he and where is that Abhishek Prem Mehra? Both are men but poles apart in character.

I felt speechless when Suresh said "I will be only around in college for this week."

I looked back at him in shock. I asked him why is that so. He replied saying he have signed up for a course that lasts for 2 weeks.

It means he will be away from college for next two weeks.

Now I am unable to decide what will happen to me without Suresh and his support around!

Thank you so much for the encouragement and votes for past two parts! I am overwhelmed by the support.

Since it is weekend, I am having time to post this soon. One more will be on its way too. Thank you for the support again.

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