I get to decide everything

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Abhi stepped into the college with a tremendous welcome by the staff and college students.

He felt like he was the man of the day when everyone complimented his gesture to be the Principal of the college.

Little does he know that all those who complimented him were bad mouthing behind him.

They were unable to digest the fact that they will be working under a college dropout.

Pragya who was among the crowd was also feeling the same way.

"I am not saying a college dropout can't be in a respectable position. There are many famous people who never even complete their school and achieve in their life. I myself look up to some of them. But doesn't he feel awkward to be a Principal not even having any background knowledge of how the education system works?" I was thinking when he smiled at me in the most evil way ever.

In response, I smiled back. What else I can do now? My bad luck today Suresh fell sick as well.

Abhi "Ms Pragya, can you lead me to my room?"

"Why me? The vice-principal is there right?" I felt like saying loudly but couldn't.

The vice-principal signalled me to go ahead.

Walking by his side, I mentally cursed myself of what kind of situation I ended up in.

Abhi "The bouquet was lovely. Whose choice was it to select it?"

"I am not sure who chose that. I can check and let you know later." I said looking surprised.

Why does he sounds gentle now? It doesn't suit him at all. Not really, it sounds good too.

"This is the room sir." I said finally reaching the room.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"This is the room!" I repeated a little loud thinking he didn't hear me just now.

"After that, what did you say?" He asked again.

"After that....I just said This is the room sir." I told him looking confused.

"There you go! Sir! From Mr Abhi to sir! Next I will make you call me your highness!" He said entering the room.

"Your highness? Does he think so highly of him? Ridiculous! He doesn't deserve to be here in the first place and now he is saying things to irritate me." I thought when I was about to turn to leave when he called me again.

Abhi "Madam Pragya, I have some work for you."

I looked at him in shock. Why was he calling me Madam Pragya!

I entered the room saying "Sir, you can call me Ms Pragya."

Abhi "I will decide on what to call you as. After all, you are my senior by 3 days. I respect my seniors so it is Madam Pragya."

I gasp in shock. He is respecting me by calling me Madam Pragya. It doesn't seem to be like a respect. He is simply irritating me!

Abhi "Well, let's get down to work. I am new here so I will be going rounds to see how the college is being operated. And you have to accompany me."

"But sir...I am new here too..." I said reminding him that I am new to the college.

Abhi "Not as new as me right? When we can know how a person is in 3 hours, can't you know how this college is in 3 days?"

3 hours! Oh he is referring to the 3 hour seminar that he attended. Now I am clueless of what other ways he will be torturing me for revenge!

Abhi smirks at her. Abhi "Before that, you have one more work too."

"What is that sir?" I asked hesitantly.

Abhi "You have to dress smart!"

"Meaning?" I asked in a confused tone.

Abhi "Don't be traditional like this. Wear something professional."

"This is who I am sir. I can't change myself for others." I said firmly.

Abhi "Acha....take me for example, I can't wear my t-shirt and jeans over here! That's all because of you!"

"Me?" I asked in shock.

Abhi "Yes! Obviously!"

"Look sir, I know I had made you feel insecure that day."

Abhi "Insecure??" "I mean you got embarrassed in front of others...." I said looking a bit scared.

Abhi in a loud voice "Enough!"

I was taken aback. Now what do I do? Shall I run away? No! I can't! I am not a college girl anymore to run away hearing a loud voice.

I stood there until he took a deep breath.

Abhi "Let's not talk about the past. Now I am here to work."

"I know you are not here to work except that you want to irritate me!" I thought in my mind.

Abhi "Madam Pragya, get me the files that need to be seen. Ask the vice-principal for it."

"But sir....I have class to take now...." I worried for my students.

Abhi "Today the class you teach is cancelled. Let them have some freedom today. And for your information, Tomorrow I will be inspecting the class you teach."

I knew something like this will happen! Everything is going to be under his control! I feel like bursting in anger when he was smiling away.

I will prove myself to him too! A sudden name crossed my mind looking at him.

ABHALIEN! Yes he is an alien to me! An alien who had come out of nowhere to irritate me.

Abhi "By the way I get to decide everything here now."

He said looking at me intently.

I nod my head as yes. What else I can do? For now this is what I can do.

He asked me to get the files fast now.

I left the room to look for vice-principal.

Sneak peek to next part:
Abhi tries to eavesdrop when he saw Pragya scolding a group of students.
Hearing what she says, it makes him smile.

From the comments yesterday, I know some of you had doubts whether Abhi, Pragya and Purab studied together. Are Pragya and Purab twins or cousins or siblings? It's too early to tell about it now. All will be revealed in the subsequent updates.

Thank you again for all the support! Do give feedback on how the story goes!

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