Discovering decisions

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I firstly thank each and every one of you to read and follow this story continuously. Recently I am held up with loads of work and also not feeling well. That is why I am unable to read a lot of stories and reply to all your comments 🙁😥😓

Now I am slowly recovering but work is still in huge amounts. I will try to find sometime during weekend to read my favourite stories here, Until then thank you so much for reading this story.

Story time:

Pragya was thinking if he was lying to her about that night, then what was the purpose? Does he wants her in his life quickly? Is that why he lied to her?

What other reason could there be? Does he want her to be more closer to her? This sounds more logical. Now I have to technically be sharing everything about myself to him. Talking to him, I can feel he is a good listener. He asks about something and I end up telling everything that I feel. In the end, he says his opinion.

But why does he wants to do all this?

I am totally confused! I can't tell this to Purab too. Already he gave me an idea to find out whether Abhi was lying. How many times I can go and ask help from Purab!

I am not a kid anymore to keep on ask help from Purab! This is my life and I have to handle it!

She decides to visit Abhi at his house and clear her doubts. Today she will find the answer she wants! She was very determined about it.

Pragya wore a beautiful red saree as she felt it would be nicer to wear saree and visit Abhi's house when his family will be around.

She reaches the house and seeing her Dadi smiled widely.

Dadi "You are Pragya right??" Pragya smiled and nodded her head as yes.

Dadi "I have seen you when you were younger. You still look the same!!" She exclaimed.

Pragya don't remember seeing her before. She was pondering when she saw her when Dadi said "Abhi is in the room upstairs. I know you will come one day to visit us. First u ask him to come down and we can have snacks together."

Pragya still confused with how Dadi knows her before simply nodded her head and went towards the direction that Dadi told.

Pragya knocked the door but there was no response. She tried to open the door and found it to be unlocked. She opened the door to see it was in complete darkness.

"Why did he never switched on the lights in the day time?" She wondered trying to figure out the switches for the lights.

All of a sudden she felt someone grabbing her by waist.

"Who is it???" She literally screamed.

Abhi "It's me only....." He replied in a husky tone.

Pragya felt nervous as his grip was very strong.

Abhi "How long I missed this Jiya.....why did you leave me lonely here?" He said in a very depressing tone.

Pragya managed to move away from him. She could sense a strong smell of alcohol on him. It means he had consumed alcohol and was not in his senses.

She tries to move towards the door to go out of the room but he blocks her way by holding her pallu.

She breathes heavily as he comes closer to her. Abhi tries to untie the dori of her blouse while she gets lost in his passionate touch.

Abhi "Jiya...." He murmurs and kisses Pragya's back. Pragya "Abhi....what are you doing?" She asked in response.

She closed her eyes unable to handle the way he kissed her. It was a whole new feeling that she was experiencing for the first time.

Although Pragya was feeling the pleasure of his kiss but it bothered to hear him calling her as Jiya continuously.

She was about to fall onto the bed by his movement, unfortunately or fortunately Abhi's mother switched on the lights and saw Abhi trying push Pragya to the bed.

Abhi's mother quickly moved Abhi away from Pragya. Pragya adjusted her saree and looked at Abhi's mother awkwardly.

Abhi's mother "You first leave from here. He is not a state to talk to you."

She says as Pragya leaves seeing Abhi who was shirtless with just his jogger pants on.

Pragya had thousands of questions running her mind after that.

Why was he in such a vulnerable state? Why did he look desperate to be close to Jiya? Who was this Jiya? Why did he felt she was Jiya?

In addition to her questions of why he was lying to her, now more questions was running in her mind.

While she take steps down the stairs, Dadi asked her to turn back.

Her dori was still untied and Dadi helped to tie it back for her.

Dadi whispered "Sorry beta.....I didn't know he was......"

Pragya "Arrey's okay! By the way who is Jiya?"

Dadi looks shocked and remains silent.

Pragya waits for an answer from her but she goes away from there saying she have some work at her room.

"Looks like Abhi had mention Jiya's name again......" Dadi thinks as she walks towards her room.

Pragya looks disturbed. What is happening over here?? How will I find the truth??

She walks out of the room thinking of Abhi and also the moments of his passion which disturbed her mind.

She returns to home and enters her room just ending up imagining Abhi kissing her back like he did earlier.

"I can't fully enjoy this imaginations when the kiss was not for me! It was for someone called Jiya! Who is she?"

She ponders as she lies on the bed and closes her eyes thinking of how to discover decisions to find the truth.

Sneek peek to next part,
Pragya kisses Abhi on his cheek and blushes seeing him gasping in shock.
Abhi "You kissed me??" He asked in shock. Pragya "What's wrong in that? You kissed me everywhere. I only kissed you on your cheek!" Abhi shook his head in denial. Pragya blushes and said "If you want you can kiss me again." Abhi feels she is imagining things badly. He decides to admit the truth and seek her help.

Thank you for reading again!

Abhigya- DecisionsWhere stories live. Discover now