Unable to decide

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Although, Abhi realizes he loves Pragya but he can't agree to it explicitly.

He have its own decisions that made him want to stay away from Pragya. His own decisions that involve his past.

Abhi's POV:

Everything is happening in lightning speed.

The marriage is next week!

I can't believe it's happening.

What am I suppose to do if Pragya gets disappointed at the end of this relation?

I can't bear to see her getting hurt. She don't deserve to get hurt.

At the same time, I can't give in to this relation.

I got my own restrictions. I can't cheat Pragya in any way.

I have one way, and that is stay away from Pragya as much as possible. If at the start itself she feels I am uncomfortable with this relation, then towards the end it will be easier for her to leave me.

Yes that's the best way Abhi. You have to be mindful of how you behave with her.

Stop admiring her beauty, stop thinking of her kisses and most importantly, stop thinking of spending time with her!!!

End of Abhi's POV

His mother enters his room and looks at him.

Abhi "Ma...."

"I have called Sarla ji. She is very excited about this marriage." She told

Abhi "How about you?"

"What can I say Abhi? I am happy you are getting married. But......" She pauses thinking of something in her mind.

"But??" He asked.

Dadi "But she is worried whether you will forget her after marriage. You know she have been watching a lot of serials and over there the sons usually
forget their mothers after marriage. Isn't that so my dear Bahu?"

Abhi's mother nodded her head in response.

Abhi "Don't lie Dadi.....I have been behaving like I have forgot all in my family before this marriage preparations."

Dadi "That's true!" She said teasingly.

Abhi "I have to say this. Now only, I am feeling that I shouldn't forget my family at anytime. This marriage preparations helped me in re-bonding with all of you."

Dadi "We know what you have been going through Abhi. We were a reason for that too. No worries on that."

His mother was about to say something when Dadi said "Now you know how this marriage is going to change your son's thinking. He is thinking positive. Don't spoil his mood by your own worries."

"I won't....as long he is happy, I am fine with this....." She replies in a low tone and leaves saying she will get coffee for both of them.

Abhi "What's wrong with Ma? Did she told you anything Dadi?"

Dadi "Like I said, it's all mixed feelings of you getting married. Even I felt the same when your Dad was getting married. It's normal Abhi. Once, Pragya comes and mingles with your Ma, all her worries will fly away."

Abhi smiles in response. He can't tell his decision of marrying Pragya for a short period of time. He could see Dadi is very fond of Pragya. But his Ma was acting strange. He doesn't really think much about it as Dadi had told him the reason.

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