Her decision

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Pragya "I know this sounds ridiculous but I am saying this taking in mind of your situation too. You don't have to force yourself in this."

Abhi can't believe she have thought something like this.

"I thought she is in love with me. Then how is it possible for her to decide something like this?" He feels by looking at her.

"I know what are you feeling. More than my love for you, there is more of my care and concern towards you. I know you are not happy in this marriage. You are doing it for my goodness. In all this, I can see how good-hearted person you are. And to such a person like you, this is what I can give."

Abhi looks at the documents again.

Abhi "Are you sure?"

Pragya "Absolutely sure about this. You can keep this divorce papers. If anytime, you feel that you don't like this marriage then sign it and process it for divorce. As my signatures are already there, it will be easier for you."

Abhi sighed and looks around. There is nobody at the restaurant. Still he felt like looking around.

Pragya "But for that, please don't make this divorce faster as soon as we get married. Give sometime for yourself to see whether our relationship will work out."

Abhi smiles at her in response.

Pragya "And....Don't tell about this to your family. I know you won't tell but still......"

She says and looks at him.

Abhi "I won't tell Pragya. In fact, I am impressed by this decision of yours. Actually, you can keep this papers with you. When I need them, I will ask for it."

He says and forwards the papers to her.

Pragya denies to take it from him.

Pragya "Please accept it. Already you are doing a very big sacrifice of marrying me. This deserves to be with you."

Abhi smiles and keeps the papers to himself due to her insistence.

Pragya "By the way, do you like me?"

Abhi was amazed by her question. What does she want now?

Pragya "As in.....as a friend?"

Abhi "Obviously, you are a good friend to be around!" He said cheerfully as now he wants to divert her from the serious mood they were in.

Pragya "Why are you so excited while telling it?"

Abhi grins while Pragya raises her eyebrow and signals why!

Abhi "Basically, you are very funny! And that's my reason for excitement!!"

He laughs which made her look furious.

"AM I FUNNY??" She asked in a high pitched tone.

Abhi "There you see when you get angry, your voice changes and that makes you funny. You are funny like a bunny!"

"Bunny??!!" She shrieked at him.

Abhi "Yes bunny!!!"

"I HATE BUNNIES!!!" She yelled.

Abhi "Lower your voice Pragya! What if anyone hears us!!"

Pragya "There is no one around. And you better don't call me Bunny!" She said by folding her arms.

Abhi "Ok Bunny. By the way it suits you as your emotions jump around like a bunny."

Pragya glares at him and was about to stand up when he asked her not to leave soon.

Pragya "Don't call me that! It hurts...."

Abhi "Hurts???"

Pragya "Ya...."

Abhi "Where does it hurt? Your ears bunny?"

He giggles saying that which makes Pragya even more furious.

Pragya "I am leaving. You won't understand me. Bye!"

Abhi looks at her leaving and laughs thinking how cute she looks in anger.

He then looks at the papers she passed to him. His cheerful face faded and it hurts him to think of divorcing her even before marrying her.

"Looks like everything is fated to happen this way. I was thinking how to leave her after marriage and here she gave me the way for it to happen." He feels and looks on at the direction that Pragya left.

"Now he will be thinking great of me. I never did this for him to think greatly of me. I did this so that he won't feel bad after I leave him. At least this day will act as a support for me to leave him after marriage!", Pragya felt and was looking worried.

On the other hand, Dadi cleans up Abhi's room and comes across his diary. She starts to read and gets a shock of his past!

Sneek peek to next part,
Abhi "Dadi....please don't tell about this to anyone. Keep it to yourself!"
Dadi looks back with mixed emotions of worry and anger.

Thank you all for the support! Sorry for the delay this time! Was feeling extremely tired to type. Hope this part was interesting and upcoming ones will be good to read!

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