His decision

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Pragya looks gloomy at home. She walks lifelessly thinking of the situations that happened now in her life.

"How was I so careless? I know I love him but will I accept him getting this much close to me? Was I not in my senses until I failed to stop him??" She wonders all the while when Purab was calling her.

Purab calls her name loudly. She looks at him blankly.

Purab "Where is your attention Pragya?"

Pragya "Nowhere...."

Purab hearing her low tone asked is there anything wrong going on.

She manages it by saying there is nothing and said let's eat.

Purab asks her to serve dinner for him.

She starts to serve him food and reminisces the time where he had the most trust on her. And now she has broken his trust in the most worse way.

Pragya then looks at Purab affectionately. She feels guilty of her mistakes. She says "Sorry Bhai...." Purab "Bhai?? That's unexpected!" Pragya smiles with lightly tears forming in her eyes by thinking of the decision she had made.

Purab "Pragya.....what's wrong? You are never like this before."

Pragya "No Purab, It's just that I have a bad headache....."

Purab "Are you sure? Is someone giving you the bad headache?"

He asked thinking of Abhi as her bad headache now.

Pragya "No yaar. There is nothing like that. I think I better take medicine and sleep. It will get better."

She informs him and quickly moves away to her room.

She was very bad at lying to Purab.

Purab looks on and feels something bad was bothering his sister for sure.

Late night, Abhi decides to take a step ahead of asking Pragya to do something.

Abhi calls her mobile number. But she doesn't picks up his call.

He tries calling her continuously but she wasn't picking up her call.

Finally, after much contemplation, he called her house.

Purab picked up the call.

Abhi hesitantly asked "Is Pragya around? I need her to help me out in something."

Purab "Are you kidding me? She went out an hour ago saying you called her for some work."

Abhi hearing that felt shocked.

Purab "Abhi, tell me the truth. Did u told her anything?"

Abhi "No Purab.....I will call you back soon."

Purab "I know where would my sister went now. But please don't disturb her anymore."

He ends the call and leaves the house.

Abhi now worries thinking of Pragya. He hopes she doesn't take any rash decisions.

Purab searches her for everywhere he knew she would go. He was getting nervous of thinking about Pragya doing something wrong.

"I don't think Pragya would do such foolish things. No matter what situation it is, she is wise enough to handle them." He felt by driving his bike as fast as he could.

He then remembered the place where she might have gone.

He immediately rushed to it.

It was their old house. It was now with no one living.

Purab enters the house to see Pragya crying sitting on the swing they had over there.

Purab "I knew you would be here!!"

Pragya "Purab.....I really can't take it."

Purab sitting beside her asked "Pragya,just tell whatever it is. I am your brother and I have all rights to know your problems."

Pragya "Purab....how can I tell about it. It's totally unexpected.....I feel disgraced to have done that....." She says by crying a lot.

Purab "Just tell Pragya! If not I wouldn't be able to help you!"

Pragya finally decides to tell her brother. She looks at him and said "Abhi and I got very close.....and....."

Purab "And??" Pragya unable to say further cried again.

Purab "Very close means....." He replied understanding what she meant.

Pragya "I'm sorry Purab. I myself don't know what happened to me. He said we were very close and now I feel I might have the chances of being pregnant."

She then cries continuously leaning against Purab's shoulder.

Purab making her face him said "Look Pragya.....as a brother this is what I was worried about. It's okay. Now when this had happened then we have to decide the next step in your life."

Pragya "Purab....are you not angry with me? Are you not feeling disgraced about this?"

She asked looking shocked.

Purab "We are humans Pragya. Situations like this are beyond our control. Sometimes it is the moment of desire and love which leads to unexpected situations."

Pragya "I feel ashamed of myself to allow this to happen."

Purab " Leave that Pragya. What did Abhi said?"

Pragya tells what Abhi had told her and how ready he is to accept her in his life.

Pragya "But I still don't remember of being close to him. Will it be like that Purab when you are drunk?"

Purab "Not really Pragya but sometimes it's possible."

Pragya "Purab, to tell the truth, somewhere in my heart, I still have this instinct that says I wasn't close to him. I am still unsure of what happened that night."

Purab "If you feel that way, then there is a way to find from Abhi whether it really happened."

Pragya "What way??" Purab "Just some questions to him that you will be able to find out whether he was close to you."

Pragya "You mean....." Purab "Yes I meant what you are thinking. You are smart enough to know that."

Pragya "Haan Purab. You are right! That's the only way to be clear of this."

Purab "Before that I have to tell you about Abhi too....."

Purab tells something to which Pragya is unable to believe about it. She denies saying Abhi wouldn't have done it.

Purab "Your love for him is blinding you. When time comes you will know about him. I knew it when I experienced a situation of distrust."

Pragya looks on still in disbelief.

Purab seeing his sister's belief towards Abhi decides to break it by proving she is wrong.

Will his decision make abhigya apart or closer?

Thank you for all the love and support. Unable to write longer than this as I am held up with work. Thank u for reading, voting and adding to reading lists too.

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