Deciding for her

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At Pragya's house,

Pragya "Purab.....this is what I want. This is falling in place without my input. I have to instigate him now and prove that he is right and his dad is wrong."

Purab "He is always right Pragya. Stop doing what you have decided for. It's useless."

Pragya looks annoyed in response of Purab's words.

Purab "Pragya, I very well know Abhi can decide for himself about his parent's decision. You don't have to interfere in it."

Pragya "Acha....then why does he have to inform me? This is not interference Purab. This is called sharing. He shares his situation to me. He will do that after our marriage too."

Purab "Ok fine. But please don't tell any of your opinion on this."

Pragya "You are forgetting something Purab. The issue he is facing now involves me as well. How will it be fair for him to leave the country as soon as we get married. Yes I understand he is their only son and needs help in their overseas business. But don't they have other trustworthy people around? Why only him? And that too right after marriage they want him to leave!"

Purab "It's business Pragya. They are not doing with any other intention like u have. They need their son to handle this."

Pragya "Ok Purab. He is coming soon to talk to me. So please don't disturb us."

She says and left to her room leaving Purab gasp in disbelief.

"This girl is acting unbelievably. How many times I have to convince her to change what she thinks. Now I don't know how to convince Abhi as well. Both are made for each other in not being able to be convinced. At least there is one similarity in this." Purab sighed thinking of both Abhi and Pragya.

A while later,

Abhi came and Pragya smiled at him. He was looking for Sarla ma but she was not around.

Pragya "She went to grocery shop. I would have gone with her but...."

Abhi "Sorry, I made her leave alone."

Pragya "Nothing like that. She went with our neighbour. So no worries."

Abhi "I have to tell you this in person. This is very important."

Pragya gestures him to come inside her room.

Abhi "Purab is around right?" He asks by closing the door.

Pragya "Yes he is....He got a call from his sweetheart. So....."

Abhi "I understand what you mean. Let him spend sometime with her. She have been missing him badly."

Pragya "That's true. I can see how eagerly he attends her call."

Abhi smiles and then says "Okay now coming back to the point. I don't want to leave you Pragya!!"

Pragya looks stunned of his words.

"He don't want to leave me? But I will leave him once he knows the truth of this marriage." She felt while he was looking tensed.

Abhi "What I mean was I don't want to leave you right after marriage."

Pragya "Then tell what you feel to your parents. They have to listen to your opinion too. After all, it's you who will decide to go by their words."

Abhi "Haan.....but...."

Pragya "I am not saying you have to say NO to them. Tell them about what you feel or what else can be done. You do have the right to say what you feel."

Abhi "You are right Pragya, I have to voice out my decision to them. If not they will do what they like without thinking about me."

Pragya smiles inwardly thinking how easily he is listening to her advice.

Abhi " don't worry about this. I won't leave you right after marriage. It's not fair to you."

Pragya "No....but if it is really a need then please help them out."

Abhi "No Pragya, I am not willing to leave you alone. You will definitely need me to fulfill your wishes."

Pragya "Huh?" She asked looking confused.

Abhi "I mean as in the wishes every married woman will have. Spending quality time with husband."

Pragya smiles hearing that. It sounds good that he feels this way.

Abhi "I will leave now. I will make sure everything gets resolved."

Pragya "Ok take care. And don't stress yourself if they pressurize you. If you really can't......"

Abhi stopped her and said "Trust me! I can convince them Pragya!"

Pragya smiles at him as he leaves her house.

"I have to say no to this. I have to undergo what Pragya have planned for my dad!" He feels by driving the car.

Pragya sees Purab coming out of his room and she asks "How was your sweetheart's sweet talk?"

Purab "It was better than your manipulative talks with Abhi."

Pragya "Arrey! I am not manipulating him. I am just telling what is right. You can ask him too."

Purab "Whatever....Where is he?"

Pragya "He left just a while ago."

She says by going to dining table to set plates.

Purab "I am not hungry. You eat first."

Pragya "This is new....You always eat at this time."

Purab "How long will I be able to eat with you? Very soon you will be leaving this house too. Don't you remember that?"

Pragya "Yes I do but still..." she was lost for words of what he was referring to.

Yes technically very soon she will be leaving the house. But she thought of coming back here after her marriage comes to an end.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't bother my family even if my marriage comes to an end. It won't reflect well on my family too." She felt by holding the plates.

Purab rolled his eyes thinking what was she now planning against Mr Perm.

He left to his room while she was still standing lost in deep thoughts.

Sneek peek to next part,

Abhi falls on top of Pragya.
Pragya "You are so heavy!"
Abhi seductively "And you are so curvy!"
Pragya shrieked "What!!!"
Abhi says "You are curvy...I am heavy, if you leave me where will I get my gravy?"

Pragya laughs at his singing and looks on how to make him move from her. 

Thank you for all the wonderful comments and support through reads and votes. Hope the update was nice to read. 😊😊

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