A well-thought decision

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Pragya was eagerly waiting for his arrival.

Abhi "Why does she have to call me at this hour?" He thinks as he sees the time as 11 pm.

It is very unusual of her to call him at this time and then hang up the call even before he could enquire further.

He called her back but there was no response from her. He even texted her a message and it was futile.

Abhi became restless and he decides to go to her house.

Abhi drove as fast as he could to her house.

He didn't want to disturb Pragya and her family if they were sleeping. He tried calling her one last time. Luckily, this time she picked up his call.

Abhi "Why did you called me Pragya?"
Pragya "You are here right? Can you come to my room?"

Abhi shrieked "Your room? That too at this time!!!"

Pragya "Please.....everyone is sleeping so....."

Abhi "No way. Tell me what is the matter now."

Pragya "Okay wait a moment." She says and ends the call which made Abhi annoyed.

"What is she thinking of herself? Why can't she tell for what reason she called me? Doesn't she know I can't ask Purab about her? It will give wrong signal to him. Already he is thinking that I still love her!" He murmured when he saw her running towards him in a speed that made him shocked.

Abhi "What happened?? Why are you running like this??"

Pragya "Follow me! Faster run. It's emergency!"

Abhi couldn't stop her and he too ran behind her unable to comprehend what is the emergency she had mentioned.

Pragya while running almost tripped and was about to fall when his strong well built arms get hold of her.

Pragya closed her eyes in fear.

Abhi "Open your eyes Pragya! You are safe! You didn't fell down!"

Pragya "I didn't?" She asked with her eyes opened.

Abhi made her stand properly and asked "You better tell me now what is the emergency. I have my car and we can go in it instead of running like this."

Pragya looked around and smiles inwardly.

Seeing her reactions, Abhi remembered something.

Abhi "Wait! Are you doing something similar to what I did before?"

Pragya innocently asked "What you did before?"

Abhi sighed and turned away in frustration.

Ruffling his hair, he took a deep breath and turned back.

Pragya was wondering what will happen now. Will he scold her again?

In a swift movement, Abhi pulled her closer to him.

Pragya was blown away by his closeness towards her. It was after a long time and she can't avoid from breathing heavily.

Abhi sternly said "Bulbul told you everything I did. And you are following her words! Am I right Pragya?"

He asked by increasing his firm hold on her waist.

Pragya "No....I....I was....." she tried hard to respond to him but couldn't due to the close proximity towards him.

Abhigya- DecisionsWhere stories live. Discover now