Defining new decisions

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At present,

Unable to forget what he has done to her, Pragya decides to talk to him one last time. She gets ready in a simple white colored salwar kameez.

Purab seeing her getting ready asked "Where are you going?"

"To talk to him! To get answers for my questions." She replied in a monotonous tone.

Purab "Ma said not to talk to him anymore Pragya."

Pragya "I also know that. I need to be clear of why he stopped this wedding. I was not even compelling him into this. Yes I know Ma was very much forcing him. But still he had his own stand of denying this. He could have explained to me that he don't want this. Why was he giving false hopes on how good this relation will turn out to be!"

Purab "Pragya, you were wanting this relation for revenge. And how can you expect it will turn good out from it."

Pragya "No Purab! It was not entirely for revenge. It still had my love for him. As I said before at any cost, I won't hurt him or his feelings. I really do love him."

Purab "You do?" Pragya "Yes I do! More than he does......I don't know why but I have always felt I know him for years."

Purab realizes how was this possible. Did she know the truth?

Pragya "He knows what I like. I know what he likes. Both of us like each other. Even the name Jiya is very familiar to me. That's why I am desperate to know who is this Jiya!!"

She bursts out her feelings and have tears in her eyes thinking of the days with Abhi.

Purab leaves from there and Pragya continues to cry.

Bulbul reaches Pragya's house and looks for Purab.

She sees him and looks with anger.

Bulbul "I don't understand why do you have to hide this from her? She was part of his life and what's wrong in telling the truth?"

Purab brings her to the backyard of the house. He doesn't want Pragya to know what they are taking about.

Bulbul "Answer me! Why every one is hiding it from her?"

Purab "Don't you know it will get complicated if she knows the truth?"

Bulbul sighed and said "It will be easier. In fact, it will make things smooth for her to understand the value of Abhi and his concern for her."

Purab "You think so? What if she blames herself for what had happened?"

Bulbul explains to him how to tell her everything without causing to blame herself.

He hugs her for the idea she gave and thanks her by kissing on forehead.

Pragya sees this from a window and imagines herself being with Abhi. She have tears thinking about the kisses happened between them.
(Note: Pragya doesn't hear their conversation).

Back at Abhi's house he is feeling nostalgic about the days spent with Jiya.

"All I can feel now is, I shouldn't have met her at all. If I wasn't feeling attracted towards her, all this trouble won't have happened!" He felt by  wearing a black shirt.

Abhi looks at himself in the mirror and he can't deny that his change in his looks and thoughts is all because of his Jiya.

Flashback time:
Bulbul " Where were you for so long?"

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