She is decisive

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Abhi walks into his office. He had done all the formalities to make this as his last day at the college.

He looks into some of the files when Pragya enters.

He saw her and didn't know what to tell.

Pragya "Sir....this is my resignation letter." She says and places the letter on his table.

He looks shocked at her.

Abhi taking the letter and read it. He didn't know what to say.

Pragya "I know I had behaved wrongly and to rectify my mistake, I felt it is best to resign now."

Abhi "Pragya, why are you behaving this way? You are such a efficient professor and our college can't afford to lose you."

Pragya "But because of me this college might lose an efficient principal like you, compared to that this is a small thing."

Abhi looks at her in confusion.

Pragya "I had a feeling that you would resign your job after yesterday."

Abhi couldn't believe she found out this as well.

Pragya "I find it strange too of how I am able to think about your thoughts. I feel this strangeness is called love."

Abhi "Pragya....I think you are confusing yourself. It's just logic that you thought of me resigning. That's all!"

Pragya "Okay let it be, but it's true that you are resigning right?"

Abhi nods his head as yes.

Pragya "Ok it's good then, both of us resign from here. Then it makes others feel that we are in love."

Abhi "How's that possible? Why should others think this way?"

Pragya "Already some are saying love starts from hatred. Technically, we didn't hate each other but to others it might feel we hate each other and then now our job is a hindrance to love each other."

Abhi closed his eyes unable to believe things will turn out this way.

Pragya "I feel both of us should stay here and prove they are wrong."

Abhi "But you want me to act as your boyfriend right?"

Pragya "That's outside the college sir. It's to my family. Over here we are just colleagues."

Abhi felt she is decisive about what she wants.

If he said no to acting as her boyfriend, then she might find someone else. But how can he leave her to someone else? What if the someone misuse her? He can't guarantee she will be in the hands of a good person. He can't afford to take a risk and leave his best friend's sister to someone else.

Abhi "Okay. Let's make a deal. Both of us shouldn't resign from our jobs and at the same time maintain it as we are not in relation."

Pragya "And you are acting as my boyfriend outside college."

Abhi "Yes, until you decide when you are ready to get married."

Pragya "All clear right?"

Abhi nods his head as yes while she smiles in response.

"Okay sir, I shall leave now. See you outside college!" She said.

Abhi "For what?"

Pragya "To be my boyfriend, and I have to tell you a lot of things."

Abhi smiled half heartedly. Pragya winked at him before leaving.

"What kind of situation you got stuck in Abhi! You were here to irritate her but now you are helping her in an unexpected situation" He thought looking at her leaving.

As for Pragya, she was once again impressed of how he didn't argue with her for what she said. He was listening to her patiently and was ready to do what she says.

After college, they meet at a coffee shop and what Pragya told made him speechless.

Pragya "This isn't shocking as you react."

Abhi "How can it be not shocking Pragya? You are asking me to come to your house at night!"

Pragya "Didn't you see it in movies? When in love, boyfriend barges into his girlfriend house at night."

Abhi "What if your folks see me?"

Pragya "I want them to see. That's my plan!"

Abhi feels nervous. He looks around in fear.

Pragya "Ok if this is too early to do now, then come and wait outside my house early in the morning."

Abhi "This is better...." Pragya "Well, but you have to be active."

Abhi "Huh?" Pragya in response, tells what he have to do.

Abhi shook his head in denial. Pragya pouts while Abhi mentally cursed himself for the situation he got stuck in.

Sneek peek to next part
Abhi "No Pragya! Leave me alone. I can't do all this." Pragya "Please Abhi, why are you getting scared for this? It's very normal nowadays." Abhi "This is not normal. What if your brother sees?" Pragya "I have enough of this Abhi!!" She says and walks towards him. He walks backward until he hits against the wall and she blocks his way. Purab from a distance sees them and decides to do something.

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