I can't decide

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Abhi "Dadi....please don't tell about this to anyone. Keep it to yourself!"
Dadi looks back with mixed emotions of worry and anger.

Dadi was unable to believe that Abhi was hiding such a big thing from her.

Abhi got a shock of seeing Dadi was in his room and reading his diary.

He knew he had to hide that diary somewhere far from his family. But he is closely connected to it so he always neglects the thought of hiding it.

Now Abhi was worried for Dadi's reaction towards knowing his past.

Dadi "Listen Abhi, I know it's been hard for you. But don't think of hiding this further. You are hurting yourself!"

Abhi "Dadi.....please understand. I can't afford to lose any relations now."

Dadi "What are you saying Abhi? It will be good if you tell this out. I can help you Abhi."

Abhi looks away. He don't know what to reply.

Dadi "Abhi....."

Abhi "She will be heartbroken to know that I did this......"

Dadi "At least you tell the truth. Yes she will feel bad but later we can make her understand the situations that lead to what u have done."

Abhi looks back with an inexplicable worry on his face.

Dadi "I was thinking your dad was at fault. But now I know you are responsible for Pragya's dad to die. And it was a accidental mistake Abhi."

Abhi "No Dadi....it wasn't. If I had been more careful and made Papa to be informed of Mr Ram's call, he would have been alive by now!"

Dadi "You were young Abhi! You didn't know he was asking for help. Like you had mentioned in your diary, you were thinking it's just another call from office."

Abhi cries and says "No Dadi....it's all my fault....I killed her father!!"

Dadi makes him sit down and says "Abhi....don't stress yourself in this. I know you are innocent. This is not your fault Abhi!"

Abhi "No matter how much you tell to convince me, I know this is my fault. For this reason only, I don't want Pragya to face any troubles from me. I have to make her happy as because of me she lost her father at a very young age."

Dadi "Now I understand why you care for her so much. Abhi....the only thing u can do now is tell the truth to Pragya. It will be worse if she gets to know after marriage. Tell her now itself. Hiding truths won't let you be in peace."

Abhi "How can I tell her Dadi? She will hate me if she knows this. She will surely cancel this marriage!!!!"

Dadi "Let it be.....We will face whatever it is. But Abhi, you have to tell this to her!"

Abhi remains silent and hugs Dadi for support.

"I was about to read  his words on Jiya. Before that he came into the room. Now how will I know about her too?" Dadi thinks while consoling Abhi to calm down.

Meanwhile, Pragya looks extremely happy with the things turning out as she expected.

Sarla ma "Purab! She is glowing in happiness. As the days are nearing to her wedding, she looks more like a bride day by day. I can't wait for the day to arrive and see her dress up in bridal wear!"

Purab smiled lightly knowing that Pragya wasn't feeling happy for the wedding.

Sarla ma "Are you ok? Why are you not responding?"

Purab "Ma...."

Sarla ma "Purab, anything wrong at your work place?"

Purab "No Ma....can I ask you something?"

Sarla ma nods her head as yes.

Purab "What if you get closer to someone in the name of revenge? Is it good or bad?"

Sarla ma "Why are you asking like that?"

Purab "For a reason only. Please tell me your opinion Ma."

Sarla ma "Whatever it is getting closer to someone for revenge is not right Purab. It will end up hurting each other feelings. The trust on each other will be also broken and it will be hard for both to get closer again even if they want to."

Purab "Exactly Ma. I am worried for this reason only....."

Sarla ma "Worried for who?"

Purab stammers "Ma...it's...no...I mean..."

Sarla ma "Tell me whatever it is Purab."

Purab "No Ma I heard a friend of mine is going to love someone for revenge. And it's disturbing me from the time I heard about it."

Sarla ma tells him to advise his friend that he is not doing the right thing. She asked him not to strain himself by worrying about this too before she left to see Pragya as she was calling her from the kitchen.

"I can't decide Ma....I can't decide how to tell you about Pragya now....I don't want you to be devastated knowing the truth of our Dad's demise!"

What will happen now? Will Pragya accept this truth? Will their marriage happen? Who is Jiya? And many more questions to be answered. Please wait to know all of them. Thank u so much for the warm response again. 😊😉

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