Beginning of flashbacks

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When everything was falling in place for my aim to teach him a lesson, then why did Abhi decided something unexpected?

I can still hear his words "This marriage won't happen at any cost!"

And our shocked faces when the sangeet was about to begin!

Why does he have to again and again make me face failures!

She cries bitterly in her room while Purab and Sarla ma are silent in shock at the turn of events.

"I didn't told him anything then why did Abhi took such a decision?" Purab thought as he decides to call Abhi.

Sarla ma "No Purab! Enough of contacting him! Enough of trusting him and getting ashamed! This is not the first time we are being disgraced by him!"

Purab "Ma....but....we need to know why he cancelled the wedding! His parents just agreed to his decision and apologised to us but we don't know a valid reason for his decision!"

Sarla ma "I don't care Purab. Look at your sister now. She is heartbroken of his stupid decision! Never in my life I will allow him to see her! He doesn't deserve her love!"

She tells furiously looking at the room where Pragya was in.

Purab was still not convinced. Although he knew this is good as Pragya won't be able to take revenge on Abhi's dad, he was also worried of Pragya's reaction to this. What if her animosity towards Mr Prem shifts towards Abhi? .

Meanwhile at Abhi's room,

" This hurts a lot. I know now everyone is feeling bad about my decision." He feels by taking his diary.

Abhi "But Jiya.....this is how it should proceed. This failure faced now will eventually turn into anger and hatred towards me. And then there will be more determination to teach me a lesson."

He have tears welled up in his eyes looking at a particular page of his diary.

"I know you don't deserve me Jiya. That's why I am doing all this." He says and kisses the drawing of Pragya in his diary.

"Let it be this way, even your hatred towards me will be a kind of love. You will hate me but I will love you secretly. As a matter of fact, I have already said you are no more to my family. And they believed it to a certain extent too. Everything is easy for you now." He feels by closing his diary.

"Yes I have to do this before it gets late." He decided something and calls someone.

Abhi "Please do this. I will pay you as much as you want. Just make sure she knows that I am the reason for it."

After much pleading with the caller, he got the response he wanted.

Later, closing his eyes with flash of memories coming in his mind, he smiled thinking how pleasant his past was just with his innocent love for Jiya.

Years back when Abhi was a teenager he visits a dance school in which his cousin, Bulbul learns dance.

That is where he meets his Jiya for the first time.

She was dancing gracefully with a wide smile on her face.
He couldn't take his eyes off from her.

"Who is this girl? She is new to this class! Why did Bulbul never told me about her?" He wonders looking at her.

Abhi sees her stop dancing and he feels upset.

"Why did she stopped dancing!" He murmurs as he walks ahead to see her.

Bulbul comes running towards him and says "Bhai!! I am here!"

Abhi "I know yaar...." he said with his eyes searching for the girl who was dancing a while ago.

"She is scared of you. She saw some rowdy like person coming from far and ran inside in fear!" Bulbul said which made Abhi amused.

"Do I look like a Rowdy?" He asked checking his attire.

"Err....kind of with all this humongous chains around your neck." She replied.

"It's fashion! I am going to college and lots of guys are cool like this." He said.

"She is scared of it. That's all I can say!" She replied with an annoyed tone.

Abhi looks at the direction the girl ran away.

Bulbul "Shall we go? It's getting late!"

Abhi "What about her?"

Bulbul "Who??"

Abhi "She.... the one who danced just now."

Bulbul folded her arms and gave a glare towards him.

Abhi "We can help her right? As in drop her at house before going to ours."

Bulbul "I feel you are going overboard. She have her mum coming to fetch her."

Abhi "Ok let's wait for Auntyji too."

Bulbul in a surprised tone "Auntyji ah? I never heard this much respect from you before to a stranger's mother."

Abhi "She is your friend right? Then how can she be a stranger?"

Bulbul "Hello! She is just my classmate and that too for the past two days! Now let's get going! You are talking to much Bhai!!!"

She said and stomped out of the place while Abhi was taking glances to get a glimpse of the girl he admired a while ago.

"Who is she? I wish I can know her name....." He felt by thinking to ask Bulbul for the girl's name.

Sneek peek to next part,
"I don't know. I don't feel like talking to you! Just go away!" She says.

Abhi "Listen to me. I am here to help you. You just have to listen to me and don't have to see me."

She remains silent before asking "Who are you? How to believe you?"

Abhi "You believe yourself  first. Ask yourself whether I can help you with the way I am talking to you. If you still feel unsafe then I will leave."

Now it's flashback time. Hope you all will enjoy this and know the truth of Abhi's past. Thank you for reading and the support so far.

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